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海南省民族博物馆位于五指山市北面牙蓄岭上。其前身是海南黎族苗族自治州民族博物馆,海南建省后,改称为海南省民族博物馆,是一座以贮藏、陈列海南省历史和黎、苗、回族文物以及研究海南各民族传统文化为主的综合性省级博物馆,始建于1981年,1986 年10月1日正式开馆。博物馆内有6个展厅,分别展出各种文物、民族民俗物品、历史图片和资料,反映了从新石器时期到海南解放的各个历史阶段黎、苗、回族人民的政治、经济、文化和风土人情。
记得在琼州大学哪里 当年养了个大山龟,1996年被香港客商放生,好像有上百年的,有麻袋那么大。
还行可以值得去 ,以后有机会还去,带多多的人去,呵呵希望亲们关注我的游记
五指山的碧空白云 海南民族博物馆位居高处,得以鸟瞰五指山市景。青山绿树碧海蓝天,的确是个好去处。
记得那个时候和妈妈一起去了海南那里美丽的海水漂亮的风景 到现在都难以忘怀民族博物馆里面的东西很多 也很漂亮 能够帮助我们更好的了解海南的民族历史
I was taken here by local new friends. I was surprised how lush and pleasant the environment was. It is well organized and nicely kept. This is a great place, and also a good place to get a good view of the city and surrounding countryside.Overall it’s a good day out for the friends. - good views of natural panorama.It is slightly far away from the main city, so not sure how easy it is to reach here via public transport as we had a car at our disposal. But other than that, it’s quite alright.Nice place for a short visit. Next year, I will come again, but for more days.
There's not much to do,in Wuzhishan so this was a find for us. It's just above the bus station only 400 meters but a steep walk up by the university. We were lucky to be offered a free guided tour by a lovely girl working there who,wised to,practice her English, which to be honest her was very good. Even so there was lots of written information displayed in English so,you will learn a lot about the history of Hainan