saturday night market walking street - wua lai road


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saturday night market walking street - wua lai road



很好逛的周六夜市,我们从m hotel开端到另外一头门那结束中共走了4个小时才走完, 逛到腿会有种麻掉的感觉建议中间可以去吃个饭休息一下路边也很多30分钟的按摩店便宜又不错












清迈夜市步行街周六夜市步行街(地址:Phra Sing, Mueang Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai 50200;18点至23点) 入住酒店,整理好行李,门口打了辆双条车,4人合计80 B直达周六夜市,在那里一路吃一路逛,非常方便。品尝美食我们的第一餐,某种饼,我们加了香蕉,甜甜的,口味还不错 其他吃食:这家的烤鱿鱼很推荐,尤其他家的沾汁,辣辣的,口味很赞: 玲琅满目的泰式手工艺品,让人目不暇接,突然感觉自己期盼已久的愿望终于是在踏上清迈这片土地的这一刻接着地气儿了 所有曾在别人帖子看到的照片,这一刻完全体会到亲眼所见的真实沿途看到一款hello kitty的摩托车牌,可爱的样子 夜市购物由于我们到的时间很晚,周六夜市没逛多久就差不多11点多了,很多摊主已经开始收摊了,我们于是打车回了酒店,顺路到街角的7-11买了驱蚊水+蚊香,清迈的7-11真心是遍地都是,非常方便,还有各式各样洗漱用品的小包装,样子都很Q很可爱。一路陪伴我们的驱蚊水和蚊香合影 第2天收起 旅途第2天,交通: 住宿: 目的地: 景点: D2:古城内随便逛逛(附LP推荐线路)


It's a rather large road that they close and have a night market on every week. Can be a bit touristic but it's a lot of fun. A lot of stuff to buy, artists, good eating and drinking. It's great to spend a few hours here. Also a lot of fun to sit down with a beer or coffee and watch the action on the street.


On the contrary to Saturday Night Market, the name should be changed to ANY NIGHT MARKET. We were there on Monday Night, walking along Night Bazaar near WuaLai Road, the street was abundantly filled with local varieties from art and crafts, clothing, jewelries, appetizers, food, food and more food. Warning: Bring plenty of Dough as you will find unexpected buy.


It's very centrally located - quite near some great eating spots. You can find anything at the night market! And I mean anything...


Quite a lot of stalls. Its practically impossible to see it all in such a short span of time. A lot of stalls are repetitive in terms of the stuff they sell but still you feel like seeing each. Make sure you bargain, although they dont sell it at too less than the written price, depending on how much you buy 10-20% bargain is always possible. Lots of good food stalls also there, we really liked the waffles at one of the stall at the start of the street just outside 7-11 store. There are artists singing or playing instruments at some parts as well.After the stroll and shopping if you get tired, you can always find a spa to get a foot massage.


I am from England, we have markets here.But NEVER have I seen one on this scale, it was huge! There are food stalls, drink stalls, ornament stalls, clothes stalls, bags, jewellery, SO much more too.As they are so cheap out there I spent so much of my money here on presents for myself and family and friends.Not only are you going to this market to buy things but you are experiencing the culture of the Thai people, for most of the venders here, this is their lively hood, they are not here to put this on for tourists, this is how they make a living and survive.They are so friendly and welcoming. They will try and get you to come and see what they have on offer with the small amount of English they know with a smile on their face! They don't harass you like in Europe and Tunisia - if you tell them no thank you they will stop walking with you and pull a sad face as you walk away. They are very humble people and I hope if you visit you show them the respect and love they deserve (I witnessed one Western man being extremely rude for no reason) Haggle! I know that the price the quote is probably so much cheaper that you would normally pay but it is still high for them and they will still come lower, this doesn't mean to say that you should insult their price and product, just come down a few Baht, this is part of the whole experience and is great fun for everyone, just make sure you have a smile on your face while doing so & they will know that you are enjoying it as much as they are! :)This is a MUST visit if you are in Chiang Mai!!!


It blows me away every time I go to Chiang mai to find the markets so busy. I think it's awesome they are so well attended by locals and travellers alike. The Saturday night market has a great atmosphere and caters to all requirements for goods, food, massage, haircuts and entertainment.


Basically they shut down a road every Saturday night and conduct a market on a straight stretch of road that seems to just keep going and going.You just start walking and when you've had enough you do a u-turn and walk back. Parking is a premium, so don't bring a car, get a tuk tuk or songtow instead.


We spent about 1.5 hrs here which is not nearly enough time. We cam early as recommended and the crowds were not too bad. Lots of food stalls and unique offerings for shopping. Plenty of tuk tuks at the end of the street to get you back to your hotel. We saw lots of locals as well as tourists. Entertainment abounds - different musicians, children, blind people etc all playing music to entertain. Massage is also much cheaper here if you are ok to have one in the middle of the street. Lots of fun and some great buys. Highly recommend!

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