puente leonel vieira
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

Worth it to drive over and take a photo. Would be interesting (to me) to understand the engineering and construction techniques.
Forget all other things you've ever done, this surpasses it, and then some. While traveling on the local #14 bus we came across this delightful display of architecture brilliance. When pulling up to the bridge we looked at each other and said, "hey, this is not a normal bridge. What's going on here"? I don't want to ruin it for anyone but as we began to go over the first rolling hill we noticed,(like other reviewers) that we couldn't see the other side and got extremely nervous. Going down the first hill both of our stomachs dropped like a 100lb weight being held by a baby. As we approached the 2nd hill we looked at each other (and all of the locals on the bus for that matter) and everyone looked nervous, some of the locals even began chewing on their finger nails from the build up of the anxiety. Finally, we reached the crest of the 2nd hill, everyone including the bus driver put both of their hands above their heads as if they were on a roller coaster at Great America. At the bottom of the 2nd hill the whole bus filled with an abundance of laughter! Amazingly, there was a local trumpeter on board and during the ascent of the third hill he pulled out his trumpet (with a few notes in the beginning to tune) and began to play the star spangled banner in honor of us Americans riding their bus. It was a very touching and humbling experience. For some reason there was a local young girl who was handing out sparklers at the peak of the third hill. The bus driver had a lighter and everyone on the bus lit their sparklers for the descent. An old man in the back lit his with his cigarette, quite impressive! To say the least it was an amazing bridge, we had the star spangled banner playing while sparklers were flying through the air as we were descending the third hill. I'd highly recommend the #14 bus when crossing the bridge.
Well travelling from Punta del este to Jose Ignacio you come across thia unique bridge. It has a sense of ingenuity along with a little flair as a signature. It is fun to travel back and forth and feel the rush of a rollercoaster.
Nice to see something normally so bland, have a little thought go into the design. Everyone needs to drive over it a few times, on a bike would be best!
We were going to lunch in a hotel across the bridge. It is fun to go back and forth a couple of times...Even as adults without the kids. It is on the way to the maritime museum too.
A must with small children! It is like a mini roller coaster and one must go "wheeeeee...." as you go up or down....as it is the only access to La Barra one is guaranteed to go across it at some stage!
I´ve been going to Punta del Este for a long time, since my kids where babies. This attraction was fun from since then!...They are on their 20´s and they still enjoy the ride. Very beautiful scenic view and an almost a necessary step to get to the trendy beaches and restaurants.
No tenía idea de este puente hasta que llegué a La Barra, de lejos podía ver como los autos se veían cual caricatura de Los Simpsons recorriendo de manera graciosa lo que parecía ser un puente mal diseñado. Una vez tomada la curva previa al ingreso del puento solo tenés que acelerar, la sensación de vértigo es la misma que en una montaña rusa. Debo confesar que da un poco de miedo el no ver si hay otro vehículo adelante que va mas despacio. Pero la sensación es increíble.Recomendación: acelerá moderadamente y no te sientas un tonto por dar la vuelta en la rotonda y volver a recorrerlo =P
Realmente uma ponte diferente do comum! Vale a pena uma parada para tirar fotografias e vale a pena também atravessar-la de carro! Sensação diferente! Fica entre Punta del Este e La Barra.
Ponte muito interessante para se visitar, uma arquitetura inusitada. Muito legal passar dirigindo por ela, de uma paradinha para tirar uma foto, elas ficarão bem legais.
Ponte com arquitetura diferenciada que vale a pena conhecer, passe de carro e se divirta com a ondulação.
A ponte tem uma arquitetura pouco convencional, o que chama atenção. A região é bonita. Mas passar por ela não é tão agradável assim. Vale só para quem for passar por lá.
Esta ponte, é a ponte mais divertida que ja fui. É inspirada nas curvas de uma mulher e faz cócegas na barriga quando passamos. Quando vou, passo por ela no mínimo 10 vezes.
Este puente, en realidad son dos, te puede ahorrar un paseo a la Montaña Rusa, porque hay un momento en que no lo ves mas y te da una sensación de volar al vacío! que te sube la adrenalina.A mis hijas cuando era chiquitas les divertía mucho. Genial solución para cruzar el rio, además del paisaje que lo rodea: mar y barra (desembocadura del Arroyo Maldonado)
Muito interessante esta ponte, este formato de ondas, parece que estamos num toboga, ou quebra mola onde o carro tem que andar lentamente