aptekarskiy ogorod botanical garden
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

a great place to visit and take photos. a variety of plants and flowers, a small pond with turtles and greenhouses.
A beautiful place to wander in the summer if you want to get away from the noise and chaos of the city. Bizarrely peaceful as its so close to busy roads.
It is quite a paradise spot in the midst of apartment blocks. If you visit over the week-end, chances are high that you will run over wedding processions with photographers. The pond in the middle has a lovely turtle population.A hint for budget travellers: If you want to skip the 200 ruble sentrance fee, you can enter only in summer the park through the "Madam Galife" cafe. The cafe has a terrace overlooking the park - handrails are not so high, but if the tables on the terrace are busy with clients, it might be an obstacle.
Beautiful walks, small pond, even smaller playground. Not worth the money. Several restaurant with the terrace looking over the garden. Enjoyable dinner with the view is more our style.
From late spring here everything is in bloom. Aromas of flowers, the rustle of leaves. Inside is very beautiful, cosy cafe "Chaihona No. 1"Entrance: 200 rubles
We came by car with child. Parking area at the near street is small and overloaded. The entrance is chargeable. Only one of two entrances worked, we had to pass by from one to another because tickets were sold out on one closest to parking. Probably it's too complicated to share them by staff themselves. But okay, then we had to wait for a cashier lady who left somewhere. But okay, the we met a guard who asked us to leave the kid's scooter at the entrance area. Frankly speaking we went there to let her drive there calmly. So the garden itself is good but we were disappointed by relation of staff to visitors. The cafes around the park are expensive.
Centrally located the garden is hided in the block of apartmental buildings and offices. Once a remote area, the graden became oppressed by the growing city during the Communist time. AS many gardens it is nice during the summer only. There are programs for childrem, educational events
Can picture being there for the parade, its the real deal. Approach from the gateway and then slip off to shop
This is one of my favourite places in Moscow. To come here walking with the family is a good alternative to the mad busy parks but also an education. The tropical greenhouse and cactus terrace are worth the visit
Aptekarskiy ogorod is a very beautiful small garden in the center or big city. A lot of flowers, trees, small, but interesting greenhouses with tropical trees and orchids. Couple of small cafés - one is with tasty Russian pies.
It was a pleasant experience however there were very few flowers in bloom. I enjoyed seeing the apothecary plants (e.g. digitalis, vinca minor, eucalyptus) however my friend was far less interested. An extensive garden including terrapins (turtles), fish and a greenhouse (that was closed when I visited). It is apparently part of the city's university (MGU) and the nearest Metro is Prospekt Mira. Entrance via a building that looks like a shop on road labelled on google maps as "pr-t. Mira". Cost 150 rubles for a student.
It's like an oasis right in the centre of the noisy Moscow. There is something magical about this old park cause every time i come there i forget there a noisy avenue just 2 steps away. In spring and summer it's filled with beautiful flowers. There is also a greenhouse which must be particularly enjoyable in winter. There are a few cafes and restaurants around it, but not cheap. There is an entrance fee (discounts for students), but still very worth visiting!
One of our favorite park in Moscow. Not too big, but very cozy.It's better to go in summer: there is a pond with fish, a lot of flowers anf different trees. In winter the most beautiful place is hothouse.There are several cafes and pubs around parks, so you never be hungry after walk.
Видимо активная реклама сделала свое дело. Репетиция Весны! Всем захотелось погреться на солнышке, благо и погода удалась! Ах ты Март-весельчак! Пришлось отстоять очередь больше часа в галерею с тюльпанами. Какое разочарование... поникшие тюльпаны...и все( Даже сказать больше нечего, жаль времени. Кто-то пошутил так неудачно. Мы сорвались, приехали встречать весну с другого конца города, а в результате помесили грязь в саду и простояли длинную очередь...обидно(
Давно собирались посетить Аптекарский огород и все никак не хватало времени. А тут решили сделать подарок себе на 8 марта. Пришли в предчувствии чуда и увидели огромную очередь. Видимо не одни мы такие. Погода не располагала к гуляниям на улице, шел дождь и видимо все решили почувствовать весну путем посещения выставки цветов. Пришлось приходить на следующий день, причем пораньше. Наша упорность была вознаграждена, выставка весенних цветов очаровательна. Огромное количество разнообразных сортов тюльпанов, нарциссов, крокусов, разного цвета, формы, глаза просто отдыхали и радовались такой красоте. Не хотелось уходить, но за дверью павильона было очень много ожидающих посетителей, поэтому пришлось покинуть выставку. Красота просто неимоверная. Цветущие лимоны, запах цветов, такое разноцветие создает очень благостное настроение, что весной просто необходимо. Обрадовало большое количество мужчин, мам с детьми среди посетителей несмотря на очередь.Кроме выставки весеннних цветов посетили тропический павильон. Как будто побывали в отпуске в Тайланде. Такие джунгли и среди зарослей большое количество цветущих орхидей. Очень красиво. Посетили выставку кактусов на втором этаже, такое разнообразие, чего только природа не придумала, такие интересные. Спасибо работникам сада за их работу, благодаря которой мы можем любоваться такой экзотикой.Обязательно посетим сад когда сойдет снег и вылезут весенние цветочки на улице. Сейчас там только таблички с названием цветов. Представляю как это будет красиво и приятно гулять среди такой красоты.