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Thingvellir National Park,这里的瑰丽极大地超出了我的预期。它刚好位于亚欧板块与美洲板块的交汇处,被认为是冰岛形成的起源。千万年前地质运动的遗址,天崩地裂造成的巨大的裂谷和断层,喷薄而出的诡异熔岩和热泉,会让你感受到盘古开天辟地的气势。至今这里地质运动仍然频繁,成为冰岛最有魅力的地方之一。Thingvellir Valley辛格维利尔裂谷,亚欧和美洲板块的分界,地球最美丽的伤疤。从裂谷东边走向西边,地质学角度上已经到美洲了,感觉很奇妙。裂谷至今仍然以每年2厘米的速度被撕扯开,走在里面可以感受到那种惊天地泣鬼神的张力。冰川融水倒灌在峡谷里形成狭窄深不见底的湖泊,土壤层层过滤已经清得不能再清了,有潜水经验且够勇敢的旅客可以组团跟随教练下潜。
辛格韦德利国家公园Thingvellir National Park:www.thingvellir.is/english 景色美丽,世界上最早的古议会遗址,欧亚板块美洲板块交界处断层,落差10多米,以年均2厘米的速度分离。火山活动频繁,火山融岩裂缝中有冰岛最大的天然湖泊Thingvallavatn。还可参加岩洞潜游等各种户外活动。36号公路---游客中心拿地图资料(开放时间9点—16点)—361号路—停车场—游览---361—36号公路附:国家公园地图1、2公园内有多条步行道供选择,可观裂缝,也可观湖景。也可开车观景,公园内有多个停车场我们到的时候已是黄昏,还下了一阵小雨突然天气放晴,阳光斜射在远处的山上落日余辉好一幅日照金山的景象远处湖景感觉云层好低,天好蓝晚霞西边太阳马上落下地平线了月亮升起来了,云彩一片粉红
我刚从冰岛旅游回来。我跟我男朋友决定像别人一样来个奢侈的环游。在网上查了很多资料后,我们发现了这次完美的旅游!坐潜艇去silfra crack环游!那是很棒的事情!简直无法用言语来形容!我能说的就是我们喜欢辛格维尔国家公园,喜欢它里面的喷泉和深渊一样的瀑布,但是最棒的旅行无疑是坐潜艇了!我们以前从来没有潜过水。导游人很好,他给了我们很多帮助,每样东西都给我们解释。如果你怕冰水那就不要去!他们会给你干衣服,你也不会觉得冷。只要衣服是干的,潜水之后你连毛巾都可以不用,根本不会被弄湿!我们是三月份去的,外面比水里冷多了。还有,不要被你的身体状况吓到,因为首先你一直是漂浮着的,然后有股气流把你送进潜艇里!我强烈建议你不要错过身处2块大陆的机会(美洲大陆和欧洲大陆)!(http://www.dive.is)。完成会更好,在水下的时候导游给我们拍了一些照片。后来他通过邮件寄给我们了!
Really wanted to see Thingvellir in Winter and take some pictures. Absolutely amazing standing looking over the rift between the tectonic plates cover in ice and snow. You can even go snorkelling!!! Recommended.
The day our tour visited Thingvellir it was raining, sleeting, and extremely windy. Thingvellir was the windiest of our Golden Circle stops; folks were holding on to each other on the way up the ramps! Because of the sideways rain, we didn't have much of a view; I will rely on my Iceland picture books for the stunning views instead. But even though we got soaked (even through rainproof gear) I still recommend a visit to Thingvellir.
Looked great in winter when we visited, most of the lake was frozen!We really needed more time to explore
I definitely get why most reviews are mentioning how scenic this is, but in my trip this was the one location that just didn't amaze - I strongly recommend renting a car and getting off of the Golden Circle.This area is also drowning in tourists, even in winter, so compared to other areas where you won't see a soul for miles, it definitely took me out of the experience.Next, keep in mind that there aren't any buildings for where parliament was - they've long since decayed. All you really see is some mounds of green where things used to be.
We visited the Thingvellir national park on a trip with Reyjavik excursions during the Golden circle tour. Our guide was very informative and told us about the North American and European continental plates which are parting by 2cm per year. We walked along the ridge from the bottom to the car park at the top. The path itself at the bottom was very icy. You can see the canyon and the break where the plates are pulling apart. There is a great viewing platform where you can see a beautiful church and a very clear lake. You can see for miles.The area is stunning even in the winter. There are many great photo opportunities.We visited in February and it was very cold so do take many layers of clothes and wrap up warm if visiting in the winter.This is a world hertitage site. This is where Icelands first parlement was formed.There are toilets at the top but these are chargeable.We would definatley be returning to see what it is like in the summer.
While I do believe one should stop and spend a short amount of time here, keep in mind that you will likely have a rather full day trying to do everything on the Golden Circle tour. Spending additional time here cost me a chance to see Gullfoss when the weather turned quite violent (I still made it to Gullfoss but couldnt physically get near the falls due to extremely terrible conditions). I wonder if my time was better spent getting to the falls earlier in the day and hitting this location on the way back. We parked at the visitor center and walked the trail down and eventually crossed the river and took several pictures. The vies were nice but like most of our trip, they were limited due to clouds and conditions. I probably should have hiked further to the Oxarafoss, but we were concerned with time. Take a lot of pictures and enjoy the history of the area and being in one of the areas in Iceland where Europe and North America meet.
Take the time to explore around and see the waterfalls and by the lake. Beautiful - a shame if you just stopped and rushed on...
Fabulous trip as part of a classic Golden Circle tour. Just enough time to see around and walk through history shielded from the wind by fissures created from tectonic plates crashing together. No man's land - not in North America or Europe. Stunning scenery, highly recommended