djerdap national park
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One of the largest gorge in Europe is located in a national park. Lepenski Vir, then Tabula Traiana, the remains of Trajan's bridge, the immense wealth of flora and fauna are reasons why you should visit this destination.
Contact the Natioinal Park office in the centre of Donji Milanovac. The Rangers are really helpful and will show you the best places to climb
This part od Danube is most beautifull part of any river that i ever seen! Excellent Excellent Excellent
most scenic and most beautiful place to visit and stay (forever). You could drive along Danube or take a scenic river cruise. Enjoy hospitality of the locals and emerge yourself in some true Balkan experience.
There is no more beautiful part of the Danube in the Balkans. Medieval castles, natural cliffs and Balkan hospitality can attract much more tourists than their actual number is.
The Danube gorge was stunning, especially at the narrowest parts (the Iron Gate). The road was reasonable well maintained and it was possible to drive 80 km/h easily most of the way. There are some places to park by the road to look at the view, but most are designed as parking places and the view is sometimes obstructed by trees etc. The narrow part of the gorge with the Romanian monastery on the other side of the river was a classic picture post-card.
Fantastic experience taking a trip doe the Danube to the gorge including walk up morac mountain to view the Danube from above Great value contact popovic family
Walked the Veliki Strbac trail with park rangers - a trail leading up to wonderful views of the Iron gates, the Djerdap park and Romania Portile de Fier park opposite. Amazing populations of butterflies, wonderful forest and well marked trail.Whilst there make sure to also visit the Mesolithic 9000 year old site at Lepenski Vir near Donji Milanovac
The Djerdap National Park in Serbia offers much to see with the ideal route from Belgrade being Pozarevac – Golubac – Donji Milanovac – Drobeta Turnu Severin (Romania).The Djerdap National Park comprises 64,000 hectares and basically commences from Golubac which is situated on a wide section of the Danube, with Golubac Fortress built in the 14th century being the key attraction. From Golubac, one enters the stunning Djedrap National Park which encompasses the beauty of the Iron Gate / Djerdap Gorge through which the Danube flows.The Danube “Iron Gate” Gorge is 96 klms long and comprises four beautiful gorges and two canyons (through which the Danube flows) with spectacular views from cliffs which are up to 300 hundred metres in height. Besides the lovely gorges, there are numerous pre-historical and Roman sights that can also be visited, with the Park also having a multitude of flora and fauna. It should be noted that whilst the road is windy, quite narrow and encompasses many tunnels, driving is not overly difficult.The journey finishes at the Serbian / Romanian Border where one crosses into Romania (near town of Drobeta Turnu Severin) via the roadway over the Djerdap Dam.In conclusion, the Djerdap National Park is absolutely stunning and have no hesitation in thoroughly recommending the above route and at the same time would suggest possibly incorporating Silver Lake (otherwise known as Srebrno Jezero) which is approximately 25klms north of Golubac and is well worth a visit / overnight stay, time permitting).Accomodation is extremely cheap with the best option probably being to book an apartment for the night(s), as hotels are not that prevalent and quality can be questionable based upon our experiences during our visit to the area.
Сделали несколько остановок, чтобы изучить все красоты местности по дороге в Леперски-Вир. Река довольно сильно петляет, так что для любителей фотографии самое то. Можно потом будет рассказать друзьям, что посетили Румынию. Только обязательно будьте осторожны при парковке, поскольку хоть и мало машин, но лихачить умеют, особенно туристы из стран евросоюза.
Na enkele dagen in Veliko Gradiste aan het Zilveren Meer (Srebrno Jezero) zijn we via Golubac de route gereden naar Kladovo. Onderweg hebben we genoten van de schitterende uitzichten over de bergen en de Donau. De natuur in deze regio van Servië is echt heel mooi en hier laat de Donau zien dat het een van de mooiste rivieren van Europa is.Het enige jammere vond ik dat we de stuwdam in Kladovo niet konden / mochten bezichtigen. Dat vond ik een gemis. Daaraan vooraf ging een heleboel natuurschoon.
Очень красиво, ущелье Дуная. Очень напоминает норвежские фьорды. Безумно красиво. Но совсем не понятно что там делать кроме как проехать на машине по этой красивейшей дороге и вернуться домой. Практическиникакой инфрастуктуры. Единтвенный музей Леперски-Вир. И городок с кафешками. Здорово сьездить на машине один раз полюбоваться красотами извивающегося между гор Дуная. Но хотелось бы чтобы ыбла еще и инфрастукрутра хоть какая-нибудь :)