st. paulin-kirche
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This flamboyantly baroque church is tucked away in a small non-descript lane in Trier. Don't miss it though as its really beautiful. Its named in honour of St. Paulinus of Trier and although he had been exiled from the city, his remains were brought back. However, if you are squeamish about huge caches of bones, don't go to the crypt. The bones of an entire Roman legion are displayed here as they had died Christian martyrs. We saw several devotees kissing those caskets as fervently as they did that of St. Paulinus though!
We stumbled on St Pauls while out walking. What a wonderful ‘find’ … the most amazing ceiling paintings … a jaw-dropping moment when you walk in. It’s not on the ‘Tourist route’ but well worth searching for. About a 10 min walk from the Porta Nigra.
The paintings on the ceiling are great and heavily framed with plaster work and cherubs on the pilasters. No guidebook in any language, but definitely the best views are inside. The Alter is gilt and very high Baroque in style and it's a very light church. It has concerts part of the year, unfortunately we did not hear one. It is currently raising funds to start a major restoration project, mainly to fix the roof. The cemetery is also very well kept. If you like Baroque this is the church for you!!!!
We did not visit the interior of this church as it was not situated in the corner we resided in, but seen from pix it must be worthwhile. I took this pix from the Fort Konstatntin.
A beautiful yellow church. The legend or history says that Napoleon did not take the treasures out of this church, because even he was touched by its stunning beauty. They also have a stunning organ. Go there for a concert if you can.
We have visited this church many times and it is still a thrill to open the door and step inside.I have been told Balthazar Neumann (spelling approximate!), who designed the interior, wanted those entering this church to feel as if they are entering heaven. The ceilings are so impressively painted, in a baroque style, as to make verbal description very challenging. The white walls and backgrounds really bring out the detail of the various heavenly scenes. Photos don't do it justice. Must be seen if you're visiting Trier
The former Collegiate Church of St. Paulin in the northern part of the city was erected in a Roman cemetery. The most remarkable features of the church are the ceiling paintings and the sculptures in the interior. At the end of the 4th century, Bishop Felix had a church erected, 400 ft/120m long. Around AD 400, the remains of Paulinus, considered a martyr and saint, were brought to Trier. Paulinus had originally been a Bishop of Trier and had lived in exile in Phrygia (Asia Minor), where he died in AD 358. After a fire in 1093, a new structure was consecrated in 1148 by Pope Eugene III; it was then blown up in 1674. The Archbishop-Elector himself paid for a new church construction. Under the church is a large crypt.
C'est juste impressionnant ! On ne s'attend pas à voir une telle beauté à l'intérieur ! Je vous conseille de ne pas regarder de photos avant, histoire d'avoir la surprise, mais faites moi confiance, ça vaut le détour !
Wer den Stil des Barock mag, der kommt hier auf seine vollen Kosten. Mein Stil ist er nicht, daher bin ich dort schnell wieder raus. Ist mir alles zu überladen, zu überfrachtet.
Meine Pfarrkirche, benannt - so hatte ich es noch gelernt - nach einem roemischen Offizier, der die Legion der Thebäer befehligte und mit seinen Soldaten für seinen christlichen Glauben den Märtyrertod fand. Der Legende nach liegt er mit seinen Soldaten auf der Wiese gegenüber der Kirche begraben, auf der das sogenannte Märtyrerkreuz steht. So hat man es uns Kindern erzählt, und die Wiese durfte nicht als Spielplatz herhalten, während heute sich die Hunde dort tummeln. Die Historiker sagen, daß Paulinus ein Bischof von Trier war und im Exil in Phrygien im Jahre 358 irgendeiner Zeitrechnung den Tod fand und die Legion der Thebäer ebenfalls anderwärts, doch muß man den Historikern nicht alles glauben. Die Gebeine von Paulinus sollen in der Krypta der in der Tat wunderhübschen Paulinus-Basilika ruhen, die einige Vorgängerbauten hatte, die erste im späten 4. Jahrhundert n. Chr., und deren Inneres von Johann Balthasar Neumann gestaltet wurde, des berühmten Barock-Baumeisters. Auch wenn die Kirche abseits der touristischen Trampelpfade liegt, so sind es von der Porta Nigra durch die Petrus-, die Maximin- und die Thebäerstraße doch nur gut 10 Gehminuten. Ein Besuch lohnt sich, und ein Spaziergang hat noch niemandem geschadet.
É uma igreja barroca pequena, porém encantadora, toda pintada. Indesacritível é a sua beleza, só mesmo indo para entender.
La chiesa è ubicata fuori del centro storico, non molto distante dalla stazione centrale. L'esterno, dipinto di un giallo caldo, non lascia immaginare l'interno di un candore immacolato ricco di decorazioni barocche /rococò in colori pastello. Il soffitto è riccamente affrescato da pittori tedeschi . La chiesa, luminosissima è a navata unica. sulla parete di fronte all'altare maggiore, riccamente decorato ed attorniato da un coro molto originale , anch'esso con colori pastello, troneggia un grande e bellissimo organo.La chiesa è stata costruita su progetto dell'insigne architetto Neumann, il cui capolavoro è la splendida Residenz di Wuerzburg.
Un pochino fuori dal centro turistico, ma vale la pena di essere visitata.Ricchissima di stucchi e arredi tipici del barocco, non risulta però pesante e sovrabbondante, al contrario è armoniosa e luminosa.
Schön restaurierte Kirche im Barockstil - erwartet man eher nicht soweit nördlich. In der City gelegen und doch im Grünen, da sich um die Kirche drumherum ein gepflegter Friedhof und alter, hoher Baumbestand befindet. Im Innern der Kirche überrascht einen farbenfroher und goldglänzender, üppiger Barock, den man in Trier inmitten der grauen bzw. ziegelroten Römerbauten nicht erwartet hätte. Soweit ich weiß, hat es den berühmten Baumeister Balthasar Neumann für diesen Auftrag aus Würzburg nach Trier verschlagen.Unbedingt sehenswert und "entspannend" nach einer Römertour!
Imposanter Innenraum, toll bemalte Decken, schöne Gottesdienste, empfehlenswerte Weihnachtskonzerte.