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Fun and interesting site in the small and older part of the town. Should put a smile on your face. Definitely check it out. We were told that over the next little while this area will be developed a bit bringing more attractions to the area because otherwise you might miss this small attraction and not really any other draw. Just nice strolling.
We were in Koblenz for a few hours on 1st December visiting the Christmas markets. There was one market in the square outside this building and when we looked up at the roof we noticed a lit up number 1 in an attic window. Looking closer we noted that all the visible windows had numbers in them ranging up to 24. It then struck us that this was an ingenious advent calendar. What a brilliant idea and a great way of counting off the days to Christmas.
We were on a river cruise on the Rhine and our first stop was in Koblenz . We got a copy of a self guided tour on the Web and this place was about the mid.point . We stopped for an expresso at a caffé facing the Jesuit house and spent 30 minutes admiring the town awakening and the sun slowly removing the shade on the place . A magical moment !
After the transformation of the Jesuit square in 1899 a monument was founded for anatomist and physiologist Johannes Müller in the middle of the squarr. He was born 14th of juli 1801 in the current “altstadt” of Koblenz (oldest part of the city), close to the Jesuit square. He studied at the Royal Prussian gymnasium in the period Joseph Görres teached overthere. As a researcher and physiloloog Müller reached great fame.
When at the end of the 16th century the Jesuits were called upon to Koblenz they were given the Cistercians monastery of which the nuns were forcefully expelled to and island Niederwerth. The monastery was quickly converted and extended, early 17th century they their church was built the site of the former Bernhard church, now called Jesuit church. They built the two-wing school building which previously served as city hall. In 1899 the monument for Johannes Müller was founded in the middle of the square. The benefice house was built in 1770 according to plans by JP Homberger.
Jesuitenplatz is a square in the heart of he old town, surrounded by interesting buildings such as the ancient townhall, the "Schaengel fountain" and a church with sculptures of a local artist. Various in/ outdoor restaurants make the square a nice place to relax
Очень уютная маленькая площадь, окруженная красивыми зданиями по периметру. Есть небольшой садик, скамейки. Можно отдохнуть во время прогулки по городу.
Jesuitenplatz, es una bellisima plaza, ubicada en el casco antigüo de la ciudad, y en donde se encuentra situado el Ayuntamiento, Rathaus.Esta céntrica plaza ocupa el antigüo patio del Convento jesuíta, (siglo XVII) y del que se conserva su pequena iglesia.Es una plaza muy bonita y pintoresca rodeada además de por el Ayuntmamiento de la ciudad por bellos edificios, en su centro se encuentra una enorme escultura.Es un placer pasear por las calles y plazas de Koblenz, y esta plaza es una de las que hay que ver.
Гуляя по городу, в центре обнаружили это здание, оно квадратное, находится в отличном состоянии, архитектурно оно интересно для взгляда. Внутри этого здания есть дворик с садом, по которому можно пройтись и посидеть на лавочке, что позволит насладиться видом на здание и розы.
La caratteristica piazzetta interna fra palazzi di squisita fattura che sembrano incorniciarla ed impreziosirla.Stavano preparando i mercatini di natale ed il fermento dei lavori stonava un po con la maestosa tranquillità di praticamente tutti i posti che ho visitato in Germania senza però infastidire.In programma di tornarci
Sehr zentral gelegen mit kleinen Gassen zum herumschlendern. Gerne einen Kaffe in der Sonne trinken bei den kleinen Cafes die am Platz zu finden sind.
LA idea en Coblenza es caminar por el casco antiguo y perderse, ya que de todas maneras vas a llegar a esta plaza, y descubrirás la tranquilidad, solo por curiosidad hay que visitar la Iglesia de los Jesuitas, muy moderna.
Linda praça numa cidade cheia de praças lindas.... Esta praça é super charmosa, super tranqüila, os edifícios no seu entorno apesar de antigos estão muito bem conservados.... Vale a pena se perder pelas ruelas que rodeiam esta praça e descobrir edifícios lindos e esculturas interessantes.....
Wir haben diesen Platz bei einer Stadtführung besucht. Unser Stadtführer konnte uns viele Informationen zu dem Jesutitenplatz mitteilen. Das war sehr spannend. Die Geschichte wurde lebendig und wir bekamen einen viel tieferen Eindruck.
Bel endroit préservé du temps. Vous pouvez y manger ou consommer une glace...Par beau temps, c'est assez bondé...