val gardena
5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

我们是今年六月初造访, 第一天下雨, 所以就是在自己的apartment度过休息, 第二天早上还是阴阴的偶有小雨, 所以我们就开车前往lago di braies, 第三天就去alpe di siusi, 所以没有足够的时间走这附近的步道是这次最可惜的地方. 好在我们住的apartment, 窗户一打开就是漂亮的景色, 坐在阳台就可看到青葱的景色, 希望下次有机会可以待上一星期
很棒,阳光明媚,-9°C,没风。斜坡很美,孩子们及全家一起玩的很开心;但是却不适合双菱形线路的专业玩家。我们很明智,我们明智的使用Sellaronda载我们穿过11个镇,超过四十千米的滑雪道。很有趣。许多Dopplemayer fast quads及六个非常好的telecabines。食物是意大利餐很不错,价格也合理。开始的一两天在维罗纳,后来直接上22号高速公路去了Val Gardean。滑完雪回米兰的威尼斯国际机场的途中一定要在Balzano呆一天。
塞尔瓦(Selva)、加尔代纳山谷(Val Gardena)、意大利,冬天&夏天都是很不可思议的地方!这里是冬季的仙境,在这个地区各个滑雪道之间很好的连接着。我最喜欢的地方之一是蒙帕纳(Monte Pana),就在圣克里斯汀娜(St.Cristina)旁边的小镇,有非常可爱的适合初学者的简单的滑雪道,或者是像我这种永远停留在中级阶段的滑雪者。整个地区的风景简直令人吃惊!人们很友好&食物极好。住宿也各种各样,从带“健康”中心的豪华酒店到小&友好的酒店&Garni's(经济型酒店的),还有私人公寓可以租住。丈夫&我也在夏天来这里了,因为这里是步行者的天堂!山顶小屋咖啡馆提供许多美味的食物,夏天&冬天&你都不会错过。因此,如果你不喜欢海滩度假的话,这里很适合你哦。
What a beautiful experience. Breathtaking and made us feel very lucky to be there. A must see and a must live experience
The Sella Ronda is the BEST! Wonderful slopes in a very good condition, Endless options. Great dolomite view. And you can also track your ski history online. Don't miss the Marmolada.
Val Gardena has superb and very well kept skiing terrains. Lifts are bit older in comparison with Austria but still OK. Good food and coffee available everywhere.The surrounding landscape is simply breathtaking ( and it is not extra charged :)It is clever to buy Dolomiti Superski pass what enables you to ski in Alpe de Siussi (mild and pleasant alpine meadows), Seceda (a huge "roof" ) and of course famous Sella ronda in both directions.
Skiing in Selva Val Gardena is probably the best skiing we have done in the past 20 years. The ski terrain is vast and beautiful, the accommodation very good, just a little slow on the Apres Ski when compared to most of Austria and Italy
Val gardena has the best infrostructure for skiing in whole dolomiti region, with various slopes for all levels and a fameous marmolada circuit its a place you cannot miss while planning your ski break!
Excellent skiing possibilities. Pistes were well kept and bullied. A lot of slopes and of course the famous Sella Ronda trip in two directions.
I like skiing in Val Gardena most of all the downhill pist to S:t Christina. But there are good pists and the restaurants are often affordable.
Easy to get to skiing areas by shuttle bus. Mostly intermediate runs. Enjoy good music and atmosphere in the mountaintop restaurants
Val Gardena is a great place to ski for all levels. Miles and miles of good wide piste and none of those annoying queues you get in France. When skiing I don't part much but there some great bars for that après ski beer when leaving the slopes.