historic centre of telc
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Telc主要的观光景点在古城区萨哈利亚广场,有一排列入世界文化遗产属于新文艺复兴的房子。古城区很小,一下子就逛完了。但是穿过特尔奇城堡,有很大一片绿地公园,沿着湖岸走一圈,运气好可看到湖中倒影。哈利亚广场周围有许多Pizza店,一家mini market。但穿过圣灵古堡旁城门左转,有更多的商店,而且感觉价格较便宜。如果时间充裕,在此度过一晚是个不错的选择。
2009年8月2日少了提供佳肴美酒的餐馆与目不暇给的橱窗Telc有如童话般的独特建筑风格仍然可以吸引排山倒海的游客令人不禁好奇它的魅力所在因为为了找出答案我们必须忍受从布拉格乘坐bus在田野山林间奔驰的颠簸原因是这里真的是一个小镇小到没有火车可以直通布拉格小到只有一个无人且貌似废弃的巴士站小到慢慢走也可在两个小时内逛完(从布拉格到这的车程将近三小时)心里的疑虑在踏入小镇广场的那刻就烟消云散此时脑中浮现的只有"值得"两个字(即便那时肠胃还在翻滚著)置身其中仿佛自己就是童话书中的人物无论是穿梭在精致小巧的建筑间抑或是漫步在清澈如镜的湖边都让人不自觉的想『慢步』希望时间可以暂停在此时 心境也可以停留在最平静富足的此刻凝视著湖水中小镇迷濛的美丽倒影我也仿佛看见了自己向往的生活投影......曾经朦胧却逐渐清晰
This is a gem of a small Czech town.You can cross the main square in less than 5 minutes ,but a little time and patience will reward you.The town I believe had a very bad fire in the 16th century and was subsequently rebuilt.The lovely facades of the houses and the ornate fountains date from this time.Even the fire brigade is stationed inside a beautiful facade.It must be said it is a very quiet town with not a great deal to do on an evening,and even staying 2 nights as I did,is stretching sightseeing a bit !The Hotel Celerin was excellent.The room was comfortable and provided a good breakfast.Food options were a bit limited but perfectly acceptable czech meals were available.The locals were friendly, on the first morning I was taking a photo when a troop of school children and their teacher approached me.I stopped to let them pass and the teachers said "good morning".Their pupils immediately copied them so I had to say "dobry den" about 20 times.tiring,but fun,!Telc can be visited by car from Prague as a day trip but to stay at least 1 night is a must just to appreciate it better.
All weather, yearround You can visit and to see city centre of Telč, rennaissance - baroque jewell of central European architecture in the Czech Republic. Arcades, churches, monastery and Castle nice impression, especially bookshop of J.Silhavy and Galery of Mr.Wimmer are the known places there and many good cafee and overpriced pubs. Dont mis this place in Summer days and take a parking outside of central town (totally overpiced)!
The historic square is another place from the long list of UNESCO sites in the Czech Republic.Magnificent square with two rows of old houses made of stone. Every house is different from the adjacent house to it.Each house is painted in other colors. Some of them have stunning graffiti decorated. If it snows, then cold but snow is a spectacular sight.You can park in the square that lies between the two rows of houses. Parking fee. Season not so sure you'll find parking here.At the edge of the square there is the fortress surrounded by water with great reflections. Celebration for photographers.Do not give up if you travel in the region.
We planned on a 2 or 3 hour break on a journey from Ceske Budejovice to Slovakia, but stayed less than two.We paid for parking just outside the old town. Easy to find. There are some beautiful vistas, over the water and as you first enter the large square. You understand why it is UNESCO listed, but then realise that it is only the facade.Many shops and accommodation are closed. The museum closes from Oct 31. There are few restaurants in the old town providing traditional meals. We walked every street, tried to find open churches, walked around walls and parks and had lunch in under 2 hours.It was worth the stop, but do not plan a long stay.
Picture perfect square in the middle of this small town, as if time stood still. The facades on the centuries old buildings are beautifully restored, each is different and worth taking a picture. Small stores are sort of hidden under the fronts of those buildings. We spend one day in September here and the town appeared very quiet, certainly not overrun by tourists. We visited the State Chateau of Telc and the adjoining beautiful park, that is right next to the city's historical center. We climbed to the top of the church's tower and walked around the observation deck (well over a hundred very steep steps) and we were very glad we did it. We were awarded with breathtaking views. Later we took a break at a small ice-cream place called Jadran with delicious ice-cream and pastries and very friendly service.Paid parking was easy to find, very close to the town center. Cars are not allowed in the center of town. At the end we still had enough time left to drive and visit Castle Lipnice.
We stopped here for an afternoon visit to see the city and the castle. I was very impressed with how well the city center has been preserved and how quiet the town was. The small shops around the square have some unique items, some relating directly to the city center. This is a town that is worth a visit and I would recommend staying at least one night to really explore the area, and do some mushroom hunting. We were with some Czech friends and they helped us pick the right mushrooms, so unless you are experienced don't pick them by your self, as some can be very dangerous.
Took Studentagency bus from Cesky Krumlov and arrived around 2pm on a rainy day. The bus/train center is not helpful if you dont speak their language. We walked down the street and kept asking people for direction to our hotel. They dont speak English but were trying to help us out. This town is very small and quiet but beautiful those. We walked around with umbrellas for about 2 hours then had a coffee break afterward. It was a nice break from the hassle dizzy busy normal day to day. One day in this little town is good enough and you can travel either to Brno or Cesky Krumlov for 2-3 hr bus driving.
My reaction is shockingly beautiful-who would have thought such a place exists, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site to top it off. The place is perfectly preserved from the 16th century with very colorful buildings, a beautiful square and a large church over 700 years old dominates the town. There are a number of restaurants and snack places for those who are hungry but the facades of the old buildings are really amazing.Note: There is very limited traffic in the center of town and you will have to walk a bit from the parking areas-but, it's well worthwhile
This place is amazing, we happened there by chance on our way to Cesky Krumlov and am really glad that I insisted on visiting it. The square is stunning with aLL the coloured buildings and plenty of good places to eat and drink. Ideal for families too as it has a lovely pedastrian area.
Great set of old buildings around the square. Last time I was there was not very good weather which was even better as there was very little tourists and it is allways better in a place like Telc and it's center as otherwise you should fee a bit of stress. We went up the tower with sights around the Chateau gardens and surounding roofs, we also went to the gardens when we got down from the tower, walked around and enjoyed nice place. We also had a walk around the lake called Stepnicky rybnik, where you can also rent fishing boat. Great place for a trip.
The square in Telč is an amazing place and should be visited. The stylistic variety in the facades can be very absorbing to take in.The downside is that the square is open to motor traffic and thus has cars parked on it through the day. This not only obstructs photographic opportunities, it also takes away from the square's unique atmosphere.In my own experience (I've visited twice, once for a long weekend and once just as a day trip) the square is at its best in the early morning and early evening when there is a minimum or complete absence of cars there. It really is worth seeing it at those times.
It is beautiful, no doubt. You could spend hours there taking pictures, looking at the facades of the buildings, having a espresso in a cafe. There's a few restaurants, which are crowded during the day with the day-trippers from Prague but pleasant in the evening. And there's a few shops. Otherwise, it's a bit slow.
The main square of Telc is pretty amazing, with the elaborate baroque facades of most of the houses being varied only by the occasional even older renaissance sgraffiti and the original gothic vaults within many of the houses. There were market stalls at one end and a pleasant restaurant overlooking the whole square at the other.Tourist Information give out free audioguides which tell a rather camp but informative story of the houses within the square. Combining this with popping into the many shops, some of which sell high quality stuff, kept us occupied for much of a day.