zamek loucen
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I think it's not an easy job to run a private-owned chateau in Czech Republic, country with low prices level and abundance of well-preserved historic buildings. In this context, the idea to build collection of various mazes in adjacent park to attract especially families with kids is a nice one. I really liked the big bush maze as well as labyrinths that require more thinking. Few other mazes may be a little too small or primitive, but as a whole, Loučeň is definitely worth visiting, although you will have to pay a little more than in other comparable Czech castles. The castle interior is relatively mediocre, guided tour is more about Thurn and Taxis family.
Great attraction both for kids and grown ups only 70 km from Prague. 9 labyrinths and lots of playgrounds spread random in the woods on the castle domain are waiting to challenge the kids minds and will definitely make it a day to remember.There is a restaurant on the right wing of the castle, but I would not recommend...the menu contains only 5-6 options (mainly Czech dishes having potatoes as a base). Best thing is to bring your own picnic basket and take the lunch in the nature. There are special tables and benches in the forest for this purpose. The castle is looking nice, but unfortunately the tour is only in Czech. Having a tour in English would bring more value to the place and attract foreign visitors.
Located in the grounds of this chateau are 10 different mazes. They are spread out over the grounds and this can involve a bit of a muddy hike especially after some rain. There was some nice forested areas and also a grass labyrinth and a stone labyrinth which were not true mazes. Between these were a rope maze which was more of a team based contest where you had to clip yourself onto a rope and get to each corner. After a fair bit of trudging up and down muddy paths we came to the wooden fence maze. This at least had a winding path with a couple of options. It was quite good and featured a couple of totem poles at the end. But we saved the best of the mazes for last. The proper hedge maze was here and provided a bit more of a challenge. It was actually quite simple in design. You entered and followed a path to a hedged courtyard which had a number of paths to choose from. All but one of these would lead to a dead end. Some were close, some further away. One path would take you the correct way. There were three such courtyards and decisions to make and two viewing towers as well. It was different to your traditional hedge maze but still quite enjoyable.
Beautiful enviroment, perfect gardens with very unique labyrints. If you catch some special occasion or very individual nightly tour, you will no regret! Absolutely amazing with only lights of candles during special nightly tour! Our nightly guide/warden was fanstastic!
I love these gardens... It's a huge park with lots of labyrinths scattered all over the grounds, you will have lots of fun as well as your kids, they really got inventive. It is very naturally and inobtrusively built into the landscape which in itself is stunning - the grounds are on a single high hill rising over vast flatlands of Polabí so you get some great views, shaded walks, you can buy a picnic basket if fancy takes you that way and just enjoy one of the lovely meadows or sit by a fish pond - it's really beautiful there. The only drawback is the castle restaurant which makes you queue for not that good food and horrible coffee, the only thing that's worth it there is a very yummy local lemonade - Kombajnerka :-). It's not that bad, especially if you bring your meal out round the corner on the terrace and enjoy the views, but if you want a nicer meal, maybe try the village or the hotel restaurant just below. But if you get a chance, visit the place, especially with kids. It's wonderful and fun.
Место скорее предполагает семейный отдых. На территории очень много всяких развлечений для детей. Можно заказать экскурсию (не уверена, что есть на русском) и по замку вас проведет и расскажет все о нем женщина, одетая в костюм кухарки.
Malý, ale milý zámek - samozřejmě hlavní atrakcí jsou " bludiště", ale zámek je velmi zajímavý a průvodce skvělý !!!
Chteli jsme navstivit zamecky park a labyrinty. V ten samy den probihalo na zamku nejake svatomartinskebposviceni spocivajici ve stankovych atrakcich, ktere nas nezajimalo. Prstóvylo vstupne pro vsechny navyseno, aniz to bylo jakkoli zmineno na webu. Je smutne, kdyz se clovek na zaklade aktualnich informaci z webu nekam vypravi a tam celi prekvapeni, ze vse je jinak a chteji po nem daleko vic penez. Mistni kastelan navic nebyl ochoten uznat chybu, prestoze ani jeho podrizeni nenasli na webu nic, co by ospravedlnovalo zvysene vstupne za navstevu parku. Navic mel nevhodne a hrube vystupovani, opravdu muze tak maximalne ridit stankovy prodej. Takze za nas Loucen bohuzel opravdu ne, rada pro ostatni, jedte jinam, kde si hostu vazi a nedavaji jim klamne a nepravdive informace. Nastesti takovych mist mame v CR dost. Na Louceni by se meli kazdopadne zamyslet nad vystupovanim vuci hostu a chovanim svych zamestnancu., kteri takto skodi teto jinak krasne lokalite.
Здесь 10 лабиринтов, занесенных в книгу рекордов... Мало русских туристов... Сюда можно доехать только на машине..Большой парк..... природа.... Птицы, рыбы в пруду.. скамеечки...С детьми самое то...Да, вход платный даже в парк..
Разрекламированный замок, а на деле ничего особенного. Да, красиво, а чтобы прямо дух захватывало, то нет. Интерьеры для посещения восстановлены минимально, в парке с лабиринтами откровенно скучно (если вы не в компании детей, конечно). Зато у парковки самое вкусное мороженое!)
Мы провели в замке чудный весенний день, гуляя по его парку и разгадывая хитросплетения искусно сделанных лабиринтов и садовых дорожек. В замке наткнулись на свадебную выставку. Отведали выпечку, подивились на буйство фантазии свадебных модельеров и дизайнеров. День прошёл великолепно!
Non è facile trovare una città murata così perfettamente conservata. Il giro delle mura è riposante. All'interno del borgo si trovano scorci interessanti ed una bella chiesa barocca
Im Schloss gibt es "kinderfreundliche" Führung, bei der die Kleinsten auf einer spielerischen Art und Weise erfahren, wie damals gefeiert, getantz und überhaupt gelebt wurde. Was die Leute auf einem Schloss gemacht haben, was sie für Kleidung angezogen haben, was sie gegessen haben.... Das Schloss liegt mitten in einem wunderschönen Waldpark, mit Teichen und Bänken und in dem sich viele verschiedene Labyrinthe befinden. Ein riesen Spaß nicht nur für Kinder ;))) Erst später sahen wir, dass man praktisch auf dem Schloss übernachten kann, eine Hochzeit feiern kann....also einfach traumhafter Erholungs- und Urlaubsziel für Familien.