castle loket
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开放时间: 暂无

The castle is nicely place, in a photogenic location both to shoot the castle itself, as well as the view from the castle. The tour inlcudes a dungeon with short display of torture techniques, showing conditions in which prisoners are held. Being in this area it is defenitely worth a visit!
We were lucky enough to attend a wedding here in March 2014. It's wonderful to discover somewhere you probably wouldn't have visited if it weren't for a personal connection (the bride is Czech). It's a real fairytale castle overlooking a postcard-pretty town in the middle of magnificent forests. Loved the museum inside too - small but really interesting. Worth a detour.
Maybe it looks like another middle age castle with not much to see, but you will see the difference, when you get there. Beautiful landmark, nice landscape, as you can see all that from the castle tower. It is very well preserved through time. If you take the guide tour, you will not be dissapointed. Great place to visit.
Castle Loket takes center stage in this small town. There are many scenic views of the castle from various vantage points in the town and then naturally you walk up to see more. There's a small charge for entry (without tour guide is more than adequate)and a few interesting things to see. We especially liked the small but impressive collection of Czech ceramics and crystal including several beautiful Moser pieces. Walking around the castle grounds does provide some small idea of what it must have been like to live in an old castle.
If you visit Loket you have to visit the castle. It is the main attraction except for marveling how James Bond (Casino Royale) was filmed in the main market place.The castle is exceptionally well preserved and it is possible to visit everything from the gruesome dungeons to the top of the tower. Access not great for disabled visitors.
Nice place, beautiful castle, nice exhibitions. For us was really nice and enough to have the tour without the guide.
Only 12 km from Karlovy Vary. Great attraction. The early 13th century castle is well preserved and maintained. Great exhibitions. The torture chambers are both scary and impressive. Be prepared to clime endless steps and hills. It might be a challenge for ppl with small children or elderly. Overall, we had very good time. After visiting the castle, walk around the town - you will not regret. Loket is visitors friendly little town. Do not miss the park, cross the bridge. Eat, drink beer (Kozel is highly recommended), have an ice cream!
Worth to visit the castle and the dungeons. Also I recomend to cross the nearby bridge to see the castle from the other side of the river.
Not for those who have difficulty walking as the castle is built into the cliffside and has cobbles and rough ground to deal with. From beautiful old china to the creepy torture chamber, there was something for all tastes and ages. Lovely wedding venue.
We spent three hours exploring the castle which was fascinating with lots to see. It has wonderful views of the town and river which curves around it. We were virtually the only people there so had it to ourselves. If you are close do visit it is well worth the effort.
Приехали на автобусе. Хотя нам посоветовали пройти пешком через горы, а это 16 км. В мои 62 года как-то не захотелось. Заплатили за билеты, не помню - то ли 30, то ли 50 крон. Русско говорящий гид, провел нас по замку, потом спустились в подвал, так называемый подвал пыток. Страшно, что люди это могли делать. После посещения замка прошли в центр замка, прогулялись. Дальше, ну как без ресторана. Названия не увидел, да это и не важно. В нем варят пиво, которое продается только там и нигде больше. Очень красивое чуть бардового цвета, а вкус, как говорится - отменный. Потом вышли на дорогу и поехали обратно на автобусе, практически мало ждали. Замечательно провели время. Хотя сейчас зима, но все равно, очень красиво.
über den sehr malerischen Ort trohnt diese herrliche Burg. wunderbar restauriert, versetzt einen in das Mittelalter.
Никакого ключа(( Этот удивительный замок находится в излучине реки, напоминающей локоть. Вот и всё. Замок прелестный, и съездить туда обязательно надо. Тем более дорога займёт не более 15 минут от Карловых Вар. Вы увидите старинный городок, дома в стиле вахверк, построенные ещё в XIV веке. Я допытывалась у немцев, почему эти дома такие прочные и так долго стоят? А узнала в Чехии: оказывается, балки вымачивали в дубильном растворе, в который добавляли бычью кровь!!! Фотографировала я без всякого разрешения, и никто мне не сделал замечания)) Там есть что-то типа музея пыток (для детишек). Есть парадный зал, где проходят местные свадьбы)) Вот так старинное сочетается с современностью. Там продается много недвижимости.
Были с утра. И сквозь туман стал проявляться замок на горе. Даже лучше что было пасмурно. Суровый замок. Как будто попал в средневековье.
Loket ist ein sehr schöner malerischer Ort vor den Toren von Karlsbad. Die Burg Loket wirkt sehr gepflegt und wurde wunderbar restauriert.