zamek jilemnice, krkonosske muzeum
5A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

The town Jilemnice is situated in a mountainous area of west foothills of Krkonose (Giant Mountain and is great place to set out for a day of skiing or mountain walking.We decided to visit a new exhibition on history of skiing in the Czech lands in Krkonose Mountains museum and enjoyed it. A short film from a Jilemnice cross country race from 1926 was excellent.Shame the exhibition is not a bit more entertaining for children.Exhibition is housed in former brewery together with a show introducing a history of award winning local beer right next to the castle in the castle grounds.There are events during weekends and we were lucky to see a puppet show which was excellent.We also cruised through the newly opened 1st floor of the Harrach's castle, family's private chambers were beautiful, just if they have just left the place.Staff makes wonders to make this place lively and decorated/furnished it accordingly to 19st and early 20st century decor and even baked master's favourite cookies.Upstairs is an excellent musical mechanical Bethlehem with 142 moving figures made between 1883-1913 in its original working condition.Also on display are local Krkonose crafts, animals, geological information and paintings.Three minutes walk is so called Zvedava Ulicka (Curious Street), which offers a number of timber framed local cottages build after a great fire in 1788 with a better view towards the centre.Very worthwhile going.
This chateau, in a pleasant town of Jilemnice, is in a lovely park, opposite the church, and also houses the Krkonose (Giant Mountains) museum with one of its main attractions – the 100 year old fully working mechanical nativity scene with hundreds of moving figures. During a guided tour visitors can see some well restored and fully furnished rooms as used by the Harrach family. In one of the wings there is an art gallery, displaying paintings (landscapes) by the local artist Kavan. In the restored old brewery building next door, there is an interesting exhibition on local beer making and an extensive exhibition on skiing history and temporary art exibitions are held there from time to time there. If interested, you can also watch the sills of craftsmen in the local arts and crafts workshops, also in the old brewery building (entrance from the other side).
Jilemnice je kráské městečko, které stojí za to navštívit. Místní zámek je sídlo hraběte Harracha, který se podílel na rozvoji nejenom Jilemnice. V místním muzeu je též rozsáhlá expozice počátků lyžování v Krkonošich a je zde vždy nějaká zajímavá výstava na určité téma (hodiny, čokoláda,..) Nezapomenutelným zážitkem Vám po návštěvě místního muzea a zámku bude i pohyblivý betlém, který se pouští každé skupině návštěvníků. Za příznivých klimatických podmínek stojí na náměstí v zimě sněhová socha Krakonoše. Pokud jste milovníci cyklistiky nezapomeňte se zastavit v informačním centru na náměstí a seznámit se s cyklotrasami v okolí Jilemnice. I pro pěší je zde spousta zajímavostí, které stojí za shlédnutí.
Stylové muzeum zaměřené na život našich předků v horách,seznámení se zvyky,kulturou a hlavním vládcem hor Krakonošem.Kdo má rád historii a pohádky a chce poznat těžký život našich předků,neváhejte,