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海边至高点的小山, 我们从山后方往上爬,着实累得够呛。但是,美景很值,整个Nice都呈现在眼前,下午时分逆光,我们硬生生的等到太阳落山。可惜这里找不到厕所,为了不在攀爬, 我憋着...游记里每个人都夸奖的地方果然名不虚传, 图中是山上的一处古迹
这次是第二次到访,前一次没有登海岸边上的小山。这次登上后感觉很值,可以看到尼斯全景。而且从旧城处登山的话,还可以体会尼斯老城的那种历史感 。
绝对是尼斯的海岸最佳景点!View一级棒!虽然爬山很累但是必须登顶看风景!就是路上小心蚊子和狗屎。据说有个电梯可以上去,但是我们没能找到oTL 祝大家好运ww
Well worth going up the hill.It is a sweet castle and nice place for a coffee but best of all is the view over Nice....good for orienting oneself.
With the time for good walk and terrifies views. Take elevator up and walk down. Interesting residential area with many older residences.
A lovely place to walk upto located between old nice and the port -the castle hill is a beautiful picnic spot and favourite amongst the locals for a day outing in good sunny weatheIts a uphill walk (preferred) or one can go by car or escalaterThe walk uphill gives excellent views of nice ,promenade and even antibeson ine side and the Alps ,old town,port on the otherThere is a lovely waterfall on the way up and a cemetery on way down from other sideOn top there is some remnants of the castle and a flat picnic spot with a cafeCan spend half a day here relaxing
We went on the fun train to the castle, great fun. Cost was 8 euros each and the train went right to the top of the castle....wonderful 360 degree views.
Beautiful views over Nice. Great photo op and picnic spot. We walked all the way up and did not take the elevator. It was a nice walk and not as strenuous as many other walks in France.
Whether you take the lift or take the stairs the view is EPIC!You can see for miles! It's breathtaking. I think I saw Corsica on the horizon but my husband is unconvinced. I do have excellent long vision though so I'm sticking to that story.It's lovely on a spring day as not too busy.Legs are still killing!
We travelled up to Castle Hill on the wee train that leaves from the Promenade. This saves you a long climb up stairs or along to the lift which is at the end of the Promenade. The view from the top is amazing of the whole bay and the airport. The commentary on the train is interesting and informative.
The place to take excellent photographs of the Bay at Nice. A great way to get there is by taking the Road Train from the Promenade des Anglais.