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Hel, alongside Jastarnia, are very beautiful calm tourist destination, with clean, beautiful, white sandy beaches. The summer is very warm and even when it's raining, there is plenty of tourist attractions and other things to do. Hel overall is in a very natural environment, covered by a wide forest and sand dunes. There is a beautiful red lighthouse to see, you can see the end of the peninsula from the top. It's a really amazing view, must see. Also, there are 2 museums: one is a war museum and the other one is a fishing museum. In the main part of the town there is a seal resevouir. Very beautiful, definately reccomended.
On a hot day it is the best thing you can do. Take a 2-hour ferry ride, which itself is a special experience for "landlockers" as the sea was pretty rough. Btw, the only thing that helped was lying down on the couchette. But we were rewarded by awesome beach. If you prefer quiet and virgin beaches, walk to the southernmost tip of the peninsula, which is just a 10-min walk past some stall first. On the way back you can follow the promenade.On that day we could have two different seas due to the strong wind - on the eastern coast the sea was really wild and rough with cool waves, on the western coast it was completely calm so it is suitable for kids. You rather take some refreshment as there is just one stall with drink. If you prefer non-commercial spots like this one, it is just for you. Enjoy.For women only - there are loads of amber stands, which are a lot cheaper than in Gdansk plus there is one perfect Italian fashion shop just near the ferry port. I was so excited about the silky items that I left a bag with my swimsuit and towel there. Feel so sorry, yet, it could not spoil the memories.
Worth getting the ferry to Hel from Sopot for the Seal Sanctuary alone. Time your visit to coincide with feeding times: 11am and 2pm, when the seals do their clever tricks too. Entry is only 5zl, BUT make sure you have 5zl pieces or get change (from notes) from the right-hand machine at the entrance before joining the queue, as admission is via a coin-op turnstile only. Seal Sanctuary T-shirts and other clothing on sale in a shop next to the market stalls. Some lovely cafes/restaurants in the main street, some bonkers WWII re-enactment bods have their HQ in the woods nearby........
Best way to enjoy the trip is to start off with a ferry ride. You get to enjoy the sea and then enjoy the land. The town is very touristy, but quaint and fun. The beaches are fantastic, although there are some jelly fish. On the way to the beach you can pass through all the WWII bunkers and guard stations, a great history lesson. I could have spent hours there just walking along the shore. Simply beautiful place.
Wow what a pleasant surprise Hel was in Poland. The beach was as good as an Australian beach. The little beach stalls are great and one restaurant was suburb. Every thing is much cheaper there as well especially the amber.Loved the place and would go again
The best way to Hel is via the ferry, about 40 zloty return. You will need at least 3-4 hours on the peninsula. We went to the seal sanctuary at feeding time, there is a very small entrance fee.
On the peninsula and also along the northern Polish coast nearby (Jastrzebia Góra, Karwia, Debki…) are some of the most spectacular, broad, long and white, clean beaches; behind the woods are fairy tale style, with heather and mushrooms…You don't have to be a surver to feel like in paradise there but may as well enjoy long walks, bathing and sun taking in the exceptionally clean air… very often all alone, with the exception of the summer holidays it's never crowded – but this is a warning: HURRY! The saying goes that a NUCLEAR POWER PLANT is going to be constructed at this coast! A sin against this heavenly area – and against Hel!
Here you can arrive being on a vacation in Jurata or Jastarnia. Worth seeing but for a short journey. It is possible get to Hel town by bicycle or train. Interesting to try to taste the fish straight from the sea and sight seeing. For one day journey.
Półwysep Helski to wspaniałe miejsce na jedno lub kilkudniowe wypady, podróż przez cypel pełna jest wspaniałych widoków. Niestety, w sezonie w weekendy kilometrowe korki skutecznie zniechęcają do wypadów w to miejsce...
Il paese e molto carino classico paese di mare, ci siamo andati al ritorno dalla visita del deserto polacco ci intrigava fare quella lunga striscia di terra di circa 30 km larga cosi poco che in certi punti si vedeva il mare da entrambe i lati, volendo prendendo il motoscafo da Sopot si arriva ugualmente
Najbardziej na Helu podoba mi sie ta plaża na samym cypelku czyli końcu połwyspu. Jest ogromna, czysta i ma bardzo duzo miejsca. Ma sie uczucie ze jest to pewien koniec polski. Poza tym hel ma swoj klimat i jest tu sympatycznie. Polecam zjesc rybke w smazalni ale lepiej zeby zważyli przed zaplata bo zdarzylo sie ze oszukiwali na wadze i placi sie wiecej za kawalek skory. Hel poprosty super dla calych rodzin z dziecmi i par na romantyczny wypad. Mozna pojechac rowerem wzdluz wybrzeza lub poplynac statkiem do gdynii.
Hel to wyjątkowe miejsce nad polskim morzem, trzeba odwiedzić to wyjątkowe i historyczne miejsce. Fokarium, statki i wiele atrakcji pomimo trudności z dojazdem w sezonie letnim. Warto tu być!
Балтийская жемчужинка для любителей прогулок, рыбных ресторанчиков, тюленей, свежего соснового воздуха и истории.
Super atrakcja nie tylko dla dzieci - możliwość oglądania fok będących w przygotowaniu do samodzielnego życia w Bałtyku. Warto odwiedzić to miejsce w godzinach karmienia zwierząt, aby móc zobaczyć ćwiczenia z opiekunami. Bardzo serdecznie polecam.
Wspaniałe miejsce, zwłaszcza samo miasto Hel, które nadal jeszcze jest miejscem, w którym można odpocząć z uwagi na mniejszą niż w innych kurortach na mierzei. Ale dla tych, którzy poszukują rozrywki bądź wrażeń sportowych Półwysep Hel też ma sporo do zaoferowania. Wartym podkreślenia jest fakt usytuowania wielu na mierzei helskiej wielu fortyfikacji obronnych z czasów II wojny światowej, co dla osób lubiących militaria będzie plusem. W samych Helu organizowana jest corocznie impreza D-Day Hel, na której prezentowane są rekonstrukcje działań militarnych z lądowania aliantów w Normandii.