south kaibab trail


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south kaibab trail


第一次到大峡谷国家公园参加三天两日的活动,这个活动是由UA的outdoor adventure所举办的,因此费用也相对较便宜。第一天下午出发,到晚上十点多才到营地并搭起帐篷,grand canyon那边有规画相当完善的露营区,很多家庭都是在假日开着露营车、预定大峡谷的露营区度假,露营区有附桌椅跟火炉,另外也有公共厕所与卫浴设备,卫浴设备比较远一点,洗澡是需要付费的,所以记得带上quater。第一天晚上非常冷,即便睡在睡袋里,早上醒来脚都是麻的、没有知觉,不过早上的阳光非常舒服,喝着一杯热可可沐浴在阳光下真的是一大享受。用完早餐就前往旅游中心,搭公车前往kaibab trail开始健行,那里的公车司机都非常有趣,有时开到一半路上还会出现野生的Elk,车子都要等elk离开才能继续前进。到了Kaibab trail的入口就能看到壮观的grand canyon,而开始健行时发现一旁都没有护栏,有时路特别陡,容易滑下去,所以记得鞋子一定要选适合登山、能止滑的穿,不然很危险。健行时有一个基本礼仪,当路上遇到其他人也在健行,并需要交会时,请停在一旁先里让他人经过再继续走,因为路有时非常窄,避免发生碰撞产生危险。走一段路之后(好像是1 mile=1.6 km)就会有休息站,会有厕所与美景,不过这里的厕所没有洗手台,所以各位斟酌使用。这次健行我们并没有走到底,我们花了一小时半往下走,在一个view point用完午餐就接着往上走回来了,走上来约莫花了两小时,走完非常累,健行真的是非常好的运动。健行时要记得带多一点水,这里气候本身就干燥,暴露在阳光下没做甚么事也觉得渴,然后记得带一些零食补充体力,最重要的是记得带相机啦!我这次也特别去看了日出与日落,这里的天空真的是美不胜收,不仅特别宽广,也特别清澈,这次来大峡谷健行真的大饱眼福了。*大峡谷建议去的时间是十月,温度会刚刚好,因为这里是沙漠气候,早晚温差大,所以如果要露营的话,衣服厚的羽绒外套、薄的短袖都要记得带,袜子要多带几双才够暖,手套、毛帽与围巾也建议携带。


Great hike!The views are spectacular. I only hiked to Skeleton Point.I will say, make sure you bring a day pack with you. You need protein, high fat foods, and anything that will make the trip back up easier. My camelback was more than enough to sustain me the whole trip, but I used it conservatively. Above all, make friends on the hike.I met a couple from Mississippi (we're now Facebook friends) and a couple from Beligium. The great chat and the nice view lent itself to a great hike!


You don't need to be an expert hiker to hike the Kaibab Trail. I did this trail in July with my 13 & 10 year old children. We arrived at the trail head at dawn to see the spectacular sunrise. The colors of the canyon are amazing this time of day. I recommend you bring plenty of water and begin your hike early before the heat of the day. We hiked a mile down to Ooh-aah-point about a 600 foot drop in elevation. The trail is dramatic and in spots a little nerve wracking. We had to hug the cliff as a donkey train passed us on the way up from Bright Angel. We enjoyed the views from Ooh-Aah-Point and returned to the top.


This is the one to take if you are limited on time. Great views, easy access. See it all, do it in one day or only as far as you want.


Even if you are not an avid hiker you can venture down to Oh Ah Point and drink in an almost 360 view of the Canyon about 600 feet below the rim. In the morning this part of the trail is in the shade - important if you are doing this in the summer. In the winter this part of the trail is often very icy and slippery.TAKE water - TAKE water - Take water. Some salty type snacks are a HUGE plus too.If you are an average hiker try making it to Cedar Ridge or even Skeleton Point where you can see the mighty Colorado snaking it's way thru the Canyon. Always remember that you have to go back up!!! If you are an above average hiker then you need to go the River and cross the Black Bridge - amble on over to Phantom Ranch - have a brew - then cross the Silver Bridge and head on up the Bright Angel trail - an awesome day hike IF you are an advanced hiker. If not you will be a statistic!!


This trail is a great trail to see wide open views of the GC. I went down to Skeleton Point and had to stop there. I wanted to go all the way down to the bottom but maybe next time! I would think that if you are a little bit fit, you could make it. Very easy on the way down, not so on the way up. Its not bad if you take your time and walk at your own pace. I did see a woman bringing her small child down the trail with no water. As all hikers know, this is a no-no...Great trail, will make it to the bottom next time!


So hard but beautiful!! Three stops with bathrooms. The last part is the easiest, but hard too. Very beautiful views of the canyon!! We loved!!!


Most people will only see the rim views, but if you are semi fit make the time and go for a walk. We walked to the bottom on this route and it was surprisingly gentle and had been designed well. No water stops though so carry at least 2 litres. We are relatively fit, and even with a muddy path slowing us up at the start it took us 3 hours 30 so it doesn't take all day. You will enjoy this walk!


This trail is a must if you like wide open spaces. It is 7 miles to the bottom so don't try to do it in a day trip, unless you are very fit and prepared.


We love this trail hiking down to the river. We didn't make it to the bottom but its really fun to hike on it! Plan on starting early in the morning! Its dusty and kinda scary because part of the road was built on the cliff. Anyway, it's a great fun to hike on this trail. The views are very breathtaking. Use the restroom before hiking down. One should spend at least 3 days in Canyon, and one should always remain outside the hotel to enjoy every bit of the Grandness these canyons offers.


Us city slickers walked this from the South Rim to the Ooh ah Point. What should've been a quick descend turned out to be slow and slippery. My wife and kid was clinging to the side wall as they tippy toe'd passed the snowy, slushy beginning part of the trail. Talk about dragging the stick thru the mud. Nevertheless, we made it thru and enjoyed the rest of the way. I would recommend bringing a walking stick and wear hiking boots.


We went to the Grand Canyon during the week of Christmas and it was a perfect time of year to go. If you only do one of the trails (this one or Bright Angel) I think this is the best one for views. It did get quite windy at times at the start, but it died down quickly after-- I suppose that was a good way to deter some people from going further which made the trail less crowded. Whatever you do, when you go to the Grand Canyon, wear decent walking shoes! You don't need full blown hiking boots, but at least leave your sandals, Toms espadrilles, and Keds etc at home. While it was a steeper hike, the views change dramatically as you keep going which made for great pictures all along the way. We only went down to the second spot (I think it was Cedar Point) and it had a great picnic area to eat lunch. The hike back up can be strenuous--we do a fair amount of exercising and I still felt my heart pumping because it is virtually straight uphill. Definitely a must-do if you go to the GC. We did Bright Angel the next day and it was a good hike, but views were much the same as far as we went.


We started at South Kaibab for a Rim to Rim hike. It was beautiful, a long way down (was about 3hours to the river, I believe), and not for those with knee problems. Watching the sky change through the sunrise and seeing the different parts of the canyon as you descend was awesome. Good rule of thumb is it will take you twice as long to go up as it took you to go down. Also, there is NO water on the South Kaibab trail. There is water on Bright Angel (heading back up to South Rim) and at Phantom Ranch.


This is a great trail to experience the Grand Canyon. I feel bad for those people who just stop and take pictures of the Canyon... the real pleasure is in actually experiencing the breathtaking beauty of this place. It's not an easy hike but if you are in relatively decent shape, you can make it (at least to Ooh Aah Point). If you are motivated, you can hike further down to Cedar Ridge and stop there for snacks or lunch, etc. Cedar Ridge has flat rocks and lots of space to sit and chill a bit. There are also bathrooms there. Of course going down is easier than coming up... but take your time and stop to catch your breath if you need to. There are lots of incredibly fit hikers who will amaze you with their stamina, but go at your own pace and that's OK. Everyone is very friendly and helpful that you meet along the way. We went on a cold but clear day and wore lots of layers. A good warm hat is a must during winter as is gloves. On the trip back, we started stripping off our layers. Wear proper clothing that you can move in without constraint and hiking boots. Pack water and energy snacks.


Did this trek with my son on a very windy December day. We anded up only going as far as Ohh Ahh Point (1.8 mile return trek) as the wind was nasty and bitter cold. The path is well maintained with spectacular views as you descend into the canyon. The trek up is a bit challenging, but we took our time and the multiple switch backs make it easier on the legs. Wish we could have gone further into the canyon as the views were amazing! Highly recommended.

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