baron bliss lighthouse
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Cruise ship passengers are taken ashore very close to the Lighthouse and a short walk is worth the effort. Belizeans are very proud of the lighthouse and the benefactor.
A brief stop on our taxi tour. Baron Bliss left a large sum in his will to the country of Belize in the early 20th century with instructions to build a lighthouse and bury him next to it. It is a nice spot with a great view of the bay and the cruise ships anchored off shore.
If you're not a lighthouse lover, there's not too much going on here. But we loved seeing a lighthouse in another country, seeing the tomb in front (that's a first!) and the view is really great! We even enjoyed some entertainment by the local pelican group watching them for a while as they flew up and dove back down catching their afternoon lunch! Just 20 feet from us!
This was a photo op while touring Belize City on the Calypso Train Tour. There is so much history about Baron Bliss, the 5th Baron of Portugal who is entombed in front of the lighthouse. It is also referred to as Fort George Light. It is a 50 ft. concrete lighthouse by the harbor of Belize City, at Fort George Point, at the entrance to Belize City Harbor. It is operational and serves as an active aid to navigation and memorial. The lighthouse was designed by Baron Bliss and at his request prior to his death to be entombed there. A yearly regatta is held in the harbor in his honor. A great benefactor to Belize City. Only the grounds are open to the public. A great photo op. Check it out and also its history!
Если есть время до катера на острова, то можно прогуляться по Фронт стрит, по самой оконечности полуострова, вдоль моря. Там довольно безлюдно, на самом мысе стоит маяк и могила барона Блисса, места особо ничем не примечательные, разве что в небогатом на достопримечательности Белиз-сити.