archaeological museum
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

It`s was interesting inside the museum but something was a miss. I didn`t fell the old royal vibe witch was pretty strong in the rest of the city attractions. Still worth the visit
Most interesting..for those who really want to know more deeply the country they are visiting,to make connections to what they've seen in Veliko Tarnovo,to understand the meaning of all more "commercial" touristical sites. And a very good lesson of history,on subjects that many other balkanik countries are avoiding! It's about a great history of a now small country...
For erudites and the connoisseurs only. Impressive artifacts, some 7000years old....of course it is not a sexy modern place, but we felt deeply touched.
This is a typical archaeological museum in the center of Veliko Tarnovo, unfortunately not very popular amongst tourists, but it is a pretty cool and interesting place to go. It represents every age from prehistory to medieval times, and everything is in both Bulgarian and English. If you have an hour, go there!
go to the museum as it is very interesting and explains a lot of VTs history , well worth a coulpe of hours
There is a lot of interesting content but very little information and unimaginative presentations. We liked the grave scene though which impressed us. It was very hot during our visit which made it oppressive. The outer courtyard was a good place to admire the statues though no information was available about them.
A little bit hidden from view so look carefully. Just to the right of the Revival Museum, go down the stairs in the river's direction and turn right.So..about the place. It always makes me sad to see gloomy communist-era built museums where time has stopped. Surely not a lack of money, money can be found where there is a will. But anyway... the outlook of the place is really moderate and really in my eyes prevents the objects there from "shining" as they must.So don't let the obsolete outlook of the rooms to disappoint you because the objects shown there are really fantastic and deserve your time. I saw there examples of the famous Tarnovo sgraffito ceramics. It's interesting to point out that this ceramics was used in the past only by the nobility and perhaps this was the reason why after we were cinquered by the Ottoman empire with the extinction of nobility the Tarnovo ceramics also disappeared..until found by archeologists and presented in places like this museum. :-)You will also see there some royal ring stamps, one of which was found at the burial site of our tsar Kaloyan - discovered only a few years ago.So, generally speaking, the museum is a must and don't let its outlook disappoint you. You'll learn a lot about the history of the region and Bulgaria in general.Most of the rooms are on the first floor with a few on the second. I'm not sure but I think there is no elevator, only stairs.There are a few interesting books available for sale at the museum ticket desk - some of them available in English and I'm not sure about other languages.
Das Museum befindet sich im Zentrum von Veliko Tarnovo in einem von aussen schönem Gebäude. Innen ist es eher heruntergekommen. Der Eintritt kostet 6Lv. Das Museum ist in 3 Räume unterteilt und die Fundstücke in Glasvitrinen. Alles relativ lieblos präsentiert. Trotzdem sind sehr schöne Fundstücke zu betrachten. Leider sind alle Beschreibungen nur auf bulgarisch angeschrieben. Nur die Legenden der ausgestellten Stücke wurde auf Englisch übersetzt.Fazit: Kein Muss in Veliko Tarnovo, aber bei schlechtem Wetter bestimmt eine Alternative
Piccolo, con scarsa dotazione (trasecolo a leggere "moltissimi reperti" in un'altra recensione: non so a quali musei italiani, ma anche bulgari, venga paragonato...) - fanno eccezione all'anonimato solo due anelli in oro di due Khan del secondo regno bulgaro; alcuni degli altri manufatti in oro sono solo copie - e con essenziali didascalie in bulgaro e in inglese, poco frequetato (quando ci siamo passati noi, alle 16.50 del 30 luglio, eravamo gli unici visitatori), tanto che le impiegate fumavano e giocavano a dama fuori dal portone (altro che "molto controllato"!)... Decisamente modesto.
Museu com peças bastante interessantes. E ao contrário de outros museus, esse conta com bastante informações tanto em cirílico quanto em inglês.
Различные периоды истории Болгарии отражены в экспозиции музея - античность, период средневековья, период турецкого владычества. В данном музее имеется экспозиция посвященная болгарским иконам.
Die Exponate spannen einen geschichtlichen Rahmen über die Sehenswürdigkeiten VT's. Die Ausstellungsräume selbst sind (wirken) deutlich älter als 50 Jahre und sind damit auch irgendwie sehenswert. Insbesondere dank der sehr freundlichen Museumswärterin kann ich einen Besuch empfehlen - wenn man denn grundsätzlich an Museen interessiert ist.
Здание музея представляет из себя цельный архитектурный образ притягивающий к себе внимание! Внутри расположена обширная экспозиция состоящая из картин и предметов искусства. Не далеко находиться примечательная скульптурная композиция.
Похоже, и картинная галерея, и этот музей проектировались и строились в одно время, более 100 лет тому назад. К настоящему времени город в очередной раз потерял имеющийся тогда "вес", и оба эти архитектурные монстра оказались в заметном запустении. К огромному сожалению, с экспозицией музея познакомиться не удалось, но внешний вид здания неизменно притягивал наше внимание, когда мы возвращались в отель по узким нижерасположенным улочкам. Архитектура, сильно контрастирующая с простоватой (если не сказать убогой) окружающей застройкой, потемневшие стены, заросшие лестницы... За музеем тихо и безлюдно, это место вполне подойдёт для небольшой фотосессии.Что касается археологии, в Болгарии отношение к ней, похоже, как в соседней Турции: утилитарное. Близ музея в качестве ограждения проезжей части используется каменная плита, если не путаю, с древнегреческими надписями. Что (кроме лени) помешало переместить её непосредственно в музей?
ingresso ben conservato e ricco di tutto per glia amanti di archeologia non rimane altro che lucidarsi gli occhi.moltissimi reperti per intenditori e no molto controllato ma ti fa sentire come se non lo fossi