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Bring your hiking shoes if you want to go all the way up to the top for the fantastic views of the whole region.Situated right next to the Casion Baden, it holds grounds through which you can amble or hike all day long if you wish. Tis is a lovely place, winter or summer.In the summer, you will have the large outdoor fountain shooting water high up into the air. Based on a work of art from the Greek period, the statue is said to be a model likeness of none other than Mercedes, Karl Benz's daughter (of automobile fame). The park has paved and gravel walkways, lined with trees. If you look about in the lower part of this park, you will also find a large house full of palm trees. The path meander slowly upwards and are dotted with statues and monuments to some of the world's greatest classical composers. You can even follow Beethoven's walkway up through lovely areas where the footweary find benches with great views. The whole climb is not too strenuous, but there are so many ways to walk about, you can spend a day in this park and not once tred the same way. There is a small zoo further up one of the paths where you will see local animals in their natural habitat. As it is all part of the Vienna Woods, be sure to pick up a Walking Trail Map at the Information Center (next to the Green Market) or be carefull not to stray too far north. You may end up in another town, but you could also walk all the way to Vienna, some 26 to 40 kilometers wawy, depending on which path you choose.The Kurpark is also the setting of one of Baden's many theatres. Here in late June to early October, you can take in an outdoor performance of different operettas and musicals (go on-line for this year's schedule).In the winter, it is the setting of Baden's largest Christmas Market complete with rides for the children, live music in the open stage, and lots of shops and huts where you can get hot wines, hot rums, beers, hot chocolate, chesnuts and pasteries. You will also find good hand crafted work and other traditional Austria items to satify your gift list.From the Kurpark, you can also enter one of Europe's largest casinos, Casino Baden. Here there are many other things to see and do besides play roulette or the various games of chance. They have a stage, a conference center, bars, a restaurant and a large room where they host balls, dances, and other performances througout the year. Sven
Very walkable place, do go seniors and small children, it is no ordeal. Dogs are allowed and enjoyed.
Empress Maria Theresa had the first city park created & this is it! A colourful garden bed announces the name of the park. Beautiful walks up to Beethoven Temple passing mature trees, some in autumn colour. Good views of the town from here too. There are many walks to do in this park all with amazing vistas.The Casino is to the side of the entrance to the park & is located on a former spa. It's the site of the oldest thermal spring the Romerquelle.Time is really needed to fully appreciate this park & take in all its beauty.
i know this park since i'm a child, i really love it and i guess its just fair to say: thats the best park in the world!!!! enjoy it :-)))))
Lovely park with paths to wander along. ..gorgeous views over the town. ...worth a visit any time of the year.
and a theater as well. mostly operettas, glass roof pulls back when the weather is nice. you can walk from the park all the way to Heiligenkreuz monastery ; past an old fortress. very nice place
are still everywhere around in the Park. If you like you can walk up the hill and enjoy a good view of the City. The park is very well kept and the flowers in there are always wonderful to look at. there is good cafe in there , and an even better one across the road
baden's famous kurpark - or spa park - covers a hillside on the outskirts of the town and offers great views of the town. the paths, the varying flowers and floral arrangements, the cosy places for relaxing ... a unique experience indeed !
Мы были в ноябре и практически все розы уже отцвели, но некоторые кусты еще восхищали своими цветами. А аллеи были особенно прекрасными из-за осенних красок и солнца! Настоятельно рекомендую для прогулок.
Оказывается Kurpark cамый большой парк в Европе. Парк расположен в городке Бадене, расположенном на востоке Венского леса. Как известно, римляне приезжали сюда на лечение, и прогулки по парку определенно способствовали их выздоровлению. И сегодня путешествие по прогулочным дорожкам парка принесет умиротворение, а также душевную и физическую гармонию. Баден имеет богатую историю и большое количество достопримечательностей, кроме парка это: Римские термы, розарий и старинное казино. Городок уютный, в нем тихие, милые улочки. Транспорта почти не видно.
Ein Juwel der Gartenkunst. Bietet nicht nur ausgedehnte Blumenbeete sondern auch ausgehnte Spaziergänge und schöne Wanderungen.
понравилось все.хорошее место для прогулок по парку и по лесу.от отеля минут 15.идти по улице выше речки
Приехали вновь. Красивый городок, милый парк. Уютный и тихий зимой. С удовольствием побродили по дорожкам, остановились перед неожиданно возникшим в расщелине памятником , випили домашнего глинтвейна в беседке ....
Парк поднимается в гору от Казино, где играет музыка, бывают концерты. В парке есть прогулочные дорожки, чудесные смотровые площадки, много лавочек. Открывается очень красивый вид на город. В Курпарке даже отели есть.
Der Kurpark mit dem Casino ist eine beeindruckende Kulisse, absolut sehenswert. Dürfte im Sommer mit der Sommerarena ein absoltes highlight in der Umgebung von Wien sein. Schöne Spazierwege und Einstieg in längere Wege in alle Richtungen.