4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

In general this is a nice place however there are many drug users that frequent this park. Also used by the homeless. There are a few coffee shops that are worth visiting.
The park is on the "outside" of what was once the old city wall. The park is quite large, beautiful with old trees and some of the moat still maintained. The only problem with the park is many people don't clean up after their dogs. There is a large and lavish fountain, a upper class type restaurant on the edge of the park, and there are nice wide walkways to stroll.
Walking the tranquil paths, old trees everywhere, you can forget you are actually in a city. There are two cafes in and near the park.
Such a great park, with plenty of space to kick around a soccer ball, have a picnic, toss a frisbee, lots of benches around lovely pathways, and great cafe's. Even though there are oftentimes lots of people out, it still feels very personal and uncrowded.
The park is a lovely place to sit in the sun and study/ play frisbee or just sit with an ice cream in the summer time. It is also a lovely sight to cycle past in Graz. Lots of fond memories here.
This is a classic urban oasis: a large, well tended park that is much used by the people who live in the city. There are winding pathways, a fountain, a moat with ducks, play areas and lawns, and a huge variety of trees, many of the them plaques to identify them. Emjoyable at any season.
I was in Graz with my husband and 2 young children. My husband was there on business therefore my children and I had the days to ourselves. We went to Stadtpark almost every day. Very nice to walk around and it has a children's play area as well. There's a market behind the Opera house which is just across the street; made it easy having picnics in the park.
Bel parco, ben tenuto, rilassante... al sole o sotto gli alberi... molte panchine... leggere un libro o farsi una corretta... in cima la Uhrtirm da cui si gode il panorama della città...Se avete dei bambini c'è un sito dove si può fare educazione stradale... con tanto di segnaletica...Imperdibile per una visita di Graz
è il parco cittadino di Graz, carino e adatto per fare il riposino, o qualche pic-nic o semplicemente una passeggiata, c'è un laghetto e la fontana. si trovano anche i bagni pubblici con una donazione di 0,20 cent, io li ho trovati molto puliti e c' è anche un piccolo chiosco per bere qualcosa.
Il parco è molto grande, bello e rilassante. Ci sono molti luoghi dove poter sdraiarsi sotto un albero, cè un parco giochi per bambini adiacente ad una simpatica ricostruzione stradale con cartelli annessi dove i bambini possono fare educazione stradale.La parte più bella è la fontana, che si trova nella parte oppposta del parco rispetto alle mura, arrivando dal centro e passando per il 'padiglione bar'; qui abbiamo potuto sostare in una delle panchine tutte attorno alla fontana per poi proseguire la passeggiata del parco.
Der Stadtpark ist besonders für StudentInnen über den Tag ein populärer Treffpunkt, wo gelernt, gesportelt oder einfach mal faulenzt wird. Das Cafe im Park läd zum Verweilen ein.
Schade ist das der Park total herunter gekommen ist; auch der schöne große Brunnen ist kaputt, und abends sollte man den Park meiden, weil zahlreiche Überfälle gemeldet werden, und Banden für Unruhe sorgen und das einst schöne Lusthäuschen als Schlafstätte verwenden; Ein riesen Park, der total heruntergekommen ist
tres beau parc aux arbres centenaires, magnifiques surtout au printemps lorsque tout est en fleur (magniolias, forsythias, cerisiers..) où la population estudiantine vient se reposer sur l'herbe! bel endroit a recommander pour se ressourcer
schade, dass dieser schöne park, der ein erholungsgebiet mitten in der stadt sein könnte, von jugendlichen sandlern verschmutzt und zugemüllt wird. geht man abends gegen 20 uhr oder am späteren morgen durch den park, findet man sich in gesellschaft von umgetretenen mülleimern, tausenden von flaschen, plastikmüll und diversen abfällen, die die wiesen flächendeckend (!) belegen. abends ist es unangenehm, durch den park zu schlendern, da man ständig grölende horden von jugendlichen alkoholisierten umrunden muss. absurd: radfahren auf parkwegen ist neuerdings verboten. musik (bands) auch. kultur vermutlich wird auch bald verboten werden, bloß der ausufernden verschmutzung bzw. der vereinnahmung der grünzone durch jugendliche randalierer wird durch niemanden einhalt geboten.traurig.