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The site is very well preserved and many relics from here can be found in the Museum in Myrina. Amazing to think such a large civilization lived here thousands of years ago. Worth a visit!
The east of the island is quite special - the main salt lake is amazing even though we saw no flamingos (too dry I guess). But the highlight is this well preserved and presented ancient site. Free but closes at 1500 and on Mondays.
Τhe first organized settlement of Europe. You can see the remains of a prehistoric settlement with palaces and squares, to walk in front of prehistoric walls and see the first parliament of Europe, which is very well preserved by the Italian Archaeological School conducted excavations. Finally say a refreshing drink at the outdoor cafe overlooking the Aegean Sea
This place is free, well maintained and very informative. There was just enough information on signs to guide you round the site. I found it very peaceful and moving. There's a little cafe serving drinks and there are toilets.
As the oldest city in Europe (3200 BC) and (apparently) the cradle of democracy, it's a surprise that this site is not better known. A large area has been excavated, and a small museum built, but more could be done to explain what you're seeing as you wander the raised walkways.
Interesting archaeological site dating back to 4000 BC. Note that the site is closed on Mondays and on open days they close at 3pm.
Looks like a miracle that a 7000 years old city is still standing, even in that way. A nice view of the prehistoric city structure, awe in thinking that this one of places that european history actually began. Not as breathtaking as athenian acropolis or cretan knossos, but a must see if you are nearby.Free entrance
No, democracy was not born in Athens, it was born in Lemnos (in Greece of course) in a town that was founded some 7000 years ago. This prove the remains of what is believed to be the first parliament ever. Along with the "Voulefterion", the remains of roads, fortification walls, drainage systems, wells and big (for that period of time) houses are to be seen. All these just above a breathtaking bay of a sea of an indescibable colour, which is separated from the town with steep cliffs. Performances take there in summer, under a full moon, and the atmosphere is pure magic. Not a lot is known about this outstanding island, let alone of its beautiful treasures, but it is definately worth a visit.
Poliochni is a mystical place where the early steps of humanity in Europe took place here. A very interesting history will bring you back, ages before the Trojan War. Very nice restored, with a relaxing feeling, especialy in the gardens.You can combine this place with visiting the eastern wild beaches (Red Rock etc) and the small villages there. Don't forget that offers a great view of the rise of the moon from the hill and usually in August, there is a full Moon fiesta.
You can see the history of the island in different eras. There is also a nice sandy beach close to the place.
Här hade man verkligen kostat på sig för att visa den gamla historien. Väl bevarad och beskrivet. Skulle kunna varit ännu bättre om man hade haft möjlighet att fika tillsammans med detta besök
Ενα από τα πιο σπουδαία ευρήματα της αρχαίας εποχής. 7 πόλεις η μία πάνω στην άλλη απο διαφορετικές χρονολογίες. Η θέση της απέναντι απο την Τροία βοήθησε να παίξει ρόλο στονΤρωικό πόλεμο.Ο χώρος καθαρός αρκετά καλά οργανωμένος.Μου άρεσε πολύ και το μουσείο. Πάρτε την κάμερα σας ,καπέλο και άνετα παπούτσια. Ο δρόμος άσφαλτος. Είσοδος χωρίς χρέωση. Δίπλα το χωριό Καμίνια. Χρόνος επίσκεψης 1-2 ώρες.Μούδρος σε 10 λεπτά Μύρινα 30.
Πρώτες θεμελιώσεις το 5.000 πχ! Το πρώτο βουλευτήριο του κόσμου. Θα ήθελα να έχει εκλογικευμένο / συμβολικό εισιτήριο για κατοίκους ΕΕ και τουλάχιστον 5 ευρώ για τους υπόλοιπους. Το τσάμπα δεν καταλαβαίνω τι & πως εξυπηρετεί την Ελλάδα μας...
Μία αρχαία πόλη στη μέση του πουθενά, ωραία μικρά βήματα πολιτιστικής ανάπτυξης, έχει και αλλού να πάτε αλλά δε σας παίρνει παραπάνω από 10 λεπτά περιήγησης. Στο αρνητικό είναι ότι δεν έχει κάτι τουριστικό κοντά εκεί ώστε να συνδυάσετε την επίσκεψη και υπάρχει ελλιπής σηματοδότηση. Επίσης υπάρχουν πάρα πολλά μέρη με την ίδια ονομασία και θα μπερδευτείτε...
Site a visiter seul (dommage) lieu a l'origine de la démocratie rasé par un tremblement de terre De la préhistoire au tremblement de terre beaucoup d'explications dans le petit bâtiment a droite de l'entrée