gradierwerk bad durkheim (saline)
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bad dürkheim景点推荐
This is a unique structure that allows you to inhale the saline vapors as the water tickles down this interesting structure. The area is beautiful. Wonderful wineries and great place to walk. I joined a Volksmarch in the area and we trotted around the vineyards. Great food so come with a good appetite and enjoy the area anytime of year.
Unusual and interesting building. Salt water passes over hundreds of bundles of twigs creating a seaside-like atmosphere. You can walk along the length of the building.Salty water from nutural underground lake is pumped to the top of the building to start the process.Best seen on a warm day and not in late October!
The Gradierwerk had burnt down the last time we were here, so we were pleased to find it restored and in action. Salty spa water trickles down over bunches of twigs held in a frame, providing evaporative cooling along an elevated walkway. You perambulate up and down - the building is over 300m long - taking in the views of the town and the surrounding hills while enjoyng the cool, salty air. It's a bit like being at the seaside, or in a Jane Austen novel, but an interesting experience. Entry is cheap (and probably free if your hotel has given you the town visitor's card) so give it a try, especially if it's baking hot and you need some respite from the heat.
I was too late to go inside but I've been to these places in Hessen and Thuringia in the past - apart from its size this is no different to those. Its size is certainly impressive and the setting is quite appealing with its park and restaurants, overlooked by vineyards.
Its hard to miss the giant Gradierbau, the worlds largest outdoor salt evaporation works. It was over 300m long and the water trickles down the walls of blackthorn twigs all in an effort to cure ailments and promote a healthy respiratory system. The water of Bad Durkheim, we have learned, is naturally salty. And so we strolled slowly up and down breathing in the salty spray as we passed. It's quite relaxing!
We only walked around the building, since it was closed by the time we arrived. But how the salty water was dripping on the sticks looks breath-taking even from outside. I find out - too late - what this amazing looking building is! So wish I'd known while I was there; would definitely have gone to take the ionised much better than mooching around the quiet winter streets of Bad time this is on my list!
The Saline is hard to miss. It's a 200-yard long building of salt water dripping on sticks. It's supposed to be good for your respiratory system. It's a relatively cheap visit. It costs about 2 Euro to go up some stairs and walk right by the sticks. It's relaxing. Check out the roof -- it's made entirely of solar panels. It was recently rebuilt after vandals burned it down in 2007. While there, take a walk in the nearby town park. It's free. The big parking lot next to the Saline is free too.
Relaxing sound of water; some water mist on one side where you can smell/feel/taste the salt :)
this structure, which burned to ground in 2007 but had existed previously since 1847, is a giant air purifier. It is said to clean the air by purifying it with salt. You have to read about it when you are there to understand.
the Air around it is a bit like at the sea ... feeling fresh and saltyits at the east end of the Kurgarten and so nicely place for a walk in summer or winter
We hebben de brand van de vorige muur vanuit hotel mercure meegemaakt en zijn blij verrast om te zien dat ze hem weer helemaal heropgebouwd hebben.Met de gastenkaart kan je hem gratis bezoeken,zeker doen!
Wir holen uns immer zehnerkarten, Kinder sind frei und es gibt einen meistens funktionierenden Fahrstuhl so das Kinderwagen kein Problem sind. Hier lässt sich herrlich etwas See-Feeling tanken und herrlich zum Feierabend abschalten. Anschließend etwas im Park bummeln und mit der Familie im Mercure auf der Terrasse noch ein Eis essen runden den Feierabend ab.
da ich Asthma habe ,besuche ich die Saline mindestens 2 x in der Woche.. allerdings sollte man bei starkem Wind vorher anrufen ob Anlage läuft.Was ich nicht für richtig finde ist :das die Auswärtigen höheren Jahresbeitrag bezahlen müssen als die Einheimischen,da wir ja noch die Fahrtkosten haben..
Sehr schöner Kurpark, für alt und jung. Gegenüber der Saline ist ein toller Wasserspielplatz der Kinder zum planschen, stauen, buddeln einlädt. Die Saline ist renoviert und plätschert ... Sehr beruhigend und gut für die Atem Wege ...