magdalena bay
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Managed to visit here early morning in bright, crisp clear air. Total peace, miles from anyone, just our ship. Signs of polar bear activity on shore. Walrus in the water, seals and fantastic seabirds. Not many folks manage to get this far north and view this wonder. Feel yourself lucky if you do !Dr Malc
Quiet, clean and peaceful. Very interesting glaciers. Disappointed that we didn't see any wildlife. Very picturesque with ice flows.
We sailed on the SAGA Pearl II after a sail around the bay we anchored the crew then off loaded a portable jetty & built it on the shore once completed passengers were tendered ashore. We could only walk along a short stretch of the beach because the snow covered tundra was a protected area. Met the two police officers we are stationed there six weeks at a time they had been on board the Pearl for a hot shower & a meal. The crew had also managed to set up a bar on the beach and named it Saga's Bar at the Top of the World the Hot Chocolate with a wee dram fantastic.The scenery in the bay was stunning glaciers, small ice flows, waterfalls & lots of wildlife, we missed seeing two polar bears by 24 hours. A very remote place one of which less people will get to visit because of the new regulations regarding cruise ship visits. On leaving we saw walrus & a few whales to make our day complete.It was a fantastic visit & one we shall remember for ever.
Anywhere else on earth, Magdalena Fjord would be stunning and even in Svalbard it is an outstandingly beautiful fjord which is over deepened at the end where there is the confluence of a number of really spectacular glaciers.What made it really special for us was just how close we could get to the ice fronts and how we could see the layer after layer of compressed blue ice... and massive ice caves down at sea level.Looking at the glaciers carefully we could see slight hints of colours... even greens... and we were astonished to learn that they were caused by microbes living in the ice.As we left... An entire heard of walruses breached in front of our boat and we watched for what seemed to be ages as they passed either side of the bows. Magdalenefjord is something really special.We definitely found that a close encounter with walrus in an isolate fjord surrounded by glaciers and with ice floating in the water at the ends of the earth... Really did it for us... We thought that it was a world-class experience. The only really down side is that... travel to the Fjord is very much weather dependant and is not guaranteed.Top tip; Don't expect too much... just let the place win you over by its magnificence.
We cruised into the Magdalena Fjord with beautiful galciers and ice flows all around us.The waterfalls were beyond belief,Truly a high point of the holiday.
A cruise on the Saga Sapphire to the Midnight Sun was something beyond my wildest dreams. In spite of a delay due to an engine problem the cruise was absolutely unbelievable. Captain Stephen Angove and his crew made sure that the delay did not spoil our enjoyment. Extra free excursions were arranged at short notice. Longyearbyen, the capital of Spitsbergen some 600 miles from the North Pole with its glaciers and snow capped mountains was a delight to see and the air so clean and fresh was wonderfully strange to us city dwellers. Ny Alesund also was surrounded by stunning views. Now an international research centre, a gift shop and Post Office.The Polar bears did not appear but the Reindeer gave us the once over, Also one or two Arctic Foxes were seen in the distance. Due to our unscheduled extended stop at Molde we only had time to visit Bergen on the way back to Dover. When we arrived home there was another welcome surprise a Generous compensation for the delay we had experienced. We have already booked our next cruise with SAGA.
Magdalenefjorden is one of the best known fjords on Spitsbergen – it is an amazing fjord with jagged mountains. The fjord look faboulous with peaked mountains and some mysterious fog. A must to see if you visit Svalbard!Svein-Magne Tunli from Bergen, Norway –
Obeskrivligt vackert .Färgerna på havhimmel sol is och snö tillsammansvar så vackert att man nästan tappade andan.
Lugar lindo demais! Natureza em seu estado mais puro! Para completar, pude ver baleias em diversos momentos ao longo do passeio. Como se nao bastasse, tb pudemos ver de longe (muito longe, na verdade) um urso polar! Inesquec'ivel!
В течение 4 часов, можно совершить уникальную морскую прогулку на небольшом корабле ледового класса от Лонгиира до Пирамиды по заливу Магдалены. Потрясающие виды северной суровой природы. Также можно на лодке зодиак совершить путешествие по заливу в составе небольшой группы с высадкой на берег в самых интересных местах.
Были в Магдалена фьорде в круизе. Это была самая северная точка путешествия и лайнер (MSC Magnifica) заходил во фьорд только на 2 часа. Первое, очень сильное ощущение, - до северного полюса ближе, чем до материка! В какой-то момент облака лежали так низко, что образовали с морем узкую "смотровую щель", через которую был виден берег. Природа простая, очень суровая: море, мрачный берег с горами, языки ледников, плавающие льдины... Но до чего же красиво! Как же огромен наш мир!
Wir fuhren diesmal nur durch die Bucht, die ca. 8 km lang und 5 km breit ist. Wir sahen die schroffen Felsen, herrliche unbelassene Natur. Die Luft war zwar kühl, aber man spürte die reine Natur -wie Seide.. Hier münden auch einige Gletscher mit Abbruchkanten am Fjord. Die Gletscher kalbten gerade und wir sahen, wie große Felsbrocken in die Bay fielen.Das Eis schwamm überall in kleineren und größeren Stücken um das Schiff.Interessant, daß hier einmal eine Walfangstation war und noch heute 4 Tankkessel zu sehen sind. Die Walfänger nutzten den Ort hier auch als Friedhof mit etwa 130 Gräbern. Damit gehört Gravneset - oder zu deutsch auch Gräberhalbinsel, zu den größten historischen Bestattungsorten in Svalbards. Der Magdalenenfjord wurde am 25. Juni 1596 von Willem Barents nach seinem Landgang für die Niederlande in Besitz genommen. Nach dem er zwei Walrosszähne fand, nannte er den Fjord Tandenbaal - zu deutsch Zahnbucht. Besuch im Juli 2013 mit MS Albatros.Aber vielleicht haben Sie Lust mehr darüber in "Kreuzfahrt ins Land der Mitternachtssonne" zu lesen. Regina Schwenke/Berlin
Paysages magnifiques avec glaciers donnant sur la mer. Malheureusement pas de descente du bateau mais point d'orgue de notre voyage malgré les nuages
OP 5 juli 2013 hebben wij met de Costa NeoRomantica een cruise gemaakt naar Noorwegen, Noordkaap en Spitsbergen. Magdalenafjord is een plek die je gezien moet hebben. Heel indrukwekkend. Het is een plek waar wij zeker nog een keertje naar toe willen. Het liefst met een expeditie maar dat is erg prijzig. Alles wat je ziet is water, ijs en vogels en als je geluk hebt ook ijsberen, poolvosjes enz. Na Spitsbergen zijn we naar Ny Alesund geweest en Longyearbyern. Ook allemaal het zien waard. In Ny Alesund staat het noordelijkste postkantoortje ter wereld. Veel onderzoeken worden hier gedaan naar het weer, de natuur enz.
un posto incantevole, abbiamo avuto la fortuna di incontrare un giovane orso polare che scalava la montagna, posto incontaminato, splendido.