a. le coq beer museum
4A地址: 暂无
开放时间: 暂无

A thorough tour of the factory and museum of around 2h. Lots of local history and knowledge, as well as interesting details to see in the museum and the old building The guide, Jako, was enthusiastic although we were only 3 guests visiting that day.
I have been to many factory and brewery tours, but usually they are so secretive. The a le coq tour was very open and inclusive and illuminating. Our guide Jako was incredible. He was knowledgable, friendly and didn't flinch when a family with a bunch of children arrived for a tour. We toured the grounds of the brewery, the brewing plant itself and an old brewery building that acts as a museum. We were allowed to look and touch many things. This is not merely a tourist sight, this is a real working brewery that produces a good portion of Estonia's beer. The tour ended in a little bar area where we were all allowed to choose a beverage. We spent about 2 hours here and it was only 3 euros. The area surrounding the brewery is a gorgeous part of Tartu and is worth a walk. Jako directed us to a hidden place around the corner where we were able to purchase A Le Coq glasses and steins.
Guided tour within brewery, followed by visit of beer museum. Tour guide with professional knowledge, well organised tour, lots of inputs on beer brewing history, the city etcHAve to make reservation, open three days a week with particular timings
Nice to see the factory in full swing. Also fun to go outside and stand on the tanks full of beer with a great view over the city. Museum interesting and as there were just a few people for the tour we got a real good explanation about the functioning of the factory. Nice to see
There are tours organized certain times of the day - 10, 12 and 14, Interesting to hear about the process of making quality beer, details and seeing the production lines. Everyone likest the tasting part at the end of the tour :-). Was interesting for the kids too (from 4-10 years), but a bit long for them to keep up the interest.
They do have guided tours only on Thursday and Saturday and it is not possible to go into the museum without a guided tour. Too bad
Nice tour guide but hard to hear in some parts of the brewery. The production part of the tour was interesting but being shown around the museum got a bit tiring...it would be better to be left to wander yourself. Tasters of beer at the end (I got a mouthful of about five different beers). Overall, quite good for the cost (3 Euro). Takes 2 hours.
Мы попали на прекрасную экскурсию, продолжительностью два часа с посещением фабрики (производственных помещений), музея и дегустацией. Для самостоятельных гостей экскурсии проводятся в определенные дни и определенное , время, группы могут также заказать отдельную экскурсию - вся подробная информация есть по ссылке http://www.alecoq.ee/rus/tegemised/ollemuuseum. Очень радушное и гостеприимное место, очень преданные своему делу люди проводят экскурсии. Стоимость всего 3 евро с человека, и это вместе с дегустацией. Вообще группа от 10 человек, нас было всего 7 и нам любезно согласились провести экскурсию, не увеличивая стоимость. Впечатления самые позитивные - гид может ответить на абсолютно любой вопрос! И безусловно пиво, сидр и лимонады на дегустации выше похвал:) Очень советую! Сходите!
Дважды посещала этот музей, когда была в Тарту.Очень интересно. Экскурсия велась на английском языке.
Музей очень впечатляющий! Само местонахождение - в башне для хранения солода уже чего стоит. Много интересных и даже необычных экспонатов. И посещение самой пивоварни тоже весьма увлекательно.