south higgins lake state park
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Warm weather, sunshine, and a beautiful State Park beach area it just doesn't get much better than that. I've launched my boat from their newly reconstructed boat launch and have enjoyed the experience every time. This is a great park for campers as well. I come here 4 to 5 times a year
Higgins Lake was crystal clear. It was so confusing for us because we had only ever seen a creek be this clear. Everyone did get swimmers itch which is disgusting, but the views and the experience was wonderful!
This is my favorite inland lake beach in Michigan, bar none. The lake unfortunately has had a few problems with swimmer's itch, but I've never experienced it. The lakefront is not sandy, as grass extends nearly to the waterline, but so what. You won't get your blanket sand-covered that way. Swimming is fantastic for kids, as the shallow water extends some 700 feet into the lake. There's a nice rustic concession building as well, plus charcoal grills on site. The campground itself is pretty tight, with campsites very close to each other. There is a no alcohol policy here. So if things get noisy, as was the complaint from one reviewer, call the authorities. That's the best way to handle such things. Sites at Higgins Lake North are more spaced out, so I'd stay there instead. But you can't beat the beach here. Because of its depth beyond the swimming area, the lake water can stay cool all summer.
South Higgins Lake State Park is one of the best of the Michigan State Parks. It has a huge camping area with paved streets, and a great beachfront. This is a very popular park for camping. The out buildings are newer and well maintained. The boat launch area seems newly redone, so it had lots of room and lots of ramps for launching boats. This is good because the only way you would want to go into the water on Higgins Lake is to go in the middle of the lake where the swimmers itch is less of a problem. There is hardly anybody that was going into the lake from the beach area. The ones that did were getting the red spots from swimmer's itch the next day. To avoid the itch we only went into the water from our boat in the middle of the lake. We also made sure we used waterproof sunscreen which is supposed to make you less desirable to the microbes that cause swimmer's itch. And, we also toweled off vigorously immediately after getting out of the water to get those microbes off you as soon as possible. We did these and came away after a week at the park without getting the dreaded swimmer's itch. I would have rated the park excellent, but I cannot with this swimmer's itch problem in the water.
Stayed 3 nights at a full hook up site near the water. It was very noisy. Lots of teenagers with loud music and foul language. 3-4 campsites would combine to 20 people around one campfire at night. A bullhorn was seen and allowed by patrolling DNR around the volleyball net several times. Teens used the bullhorn every night we stayed shouting out commentary about the volleyball games. Beautiful lake, but my 7 and 9 year old would not chance swimming in it after reading the numerous signs about swimmers itch and the life cycle of swimmers itch. Facilities were a 5 out of 10. I've been to much better but thankfully not worse. The old showers and restrooms really need an update. The ventilation system doesn't work in the old showers. It was terribly steamy and drops of water from a disgusting ceiling fall down on you while you are drying and dressing. Although the DNR does patrol regularly they don't reinforce the "quiet time is all the time" rule. As aforementioned, the use of a bullhorn around the volleyball net was seen several times and never discouraged. The DNR also saw and allowed campers to wash dishes at other campers nearby water spikets, dumping out half eaten food scraps and nasty water on other's campsites. We would not return. The full hook was wonderful, but unless you have a boat or water toys it's not worth your visit. If you are looking for a fun spot to camp as a family and enjoy swimming and the beach this is not it. The potential for swimmers itch puts a big damper on that. This is by far the noisiest campground we've been to. And unfortunately the DNR does not discourage the noise or inconsiderate behavior of other campers.
Disclaimer: (I am a beginner camper and this is our our families first camping trip in a tent so I really don't have anything else to compare SHLSP too)First... The good; Higgins Lake is absolutely gorgeous. You could literally walk out 200 yards in waist deep water. The sand is extremely soft on your feet and the water is as clear as can be. Great view of boats, jet skiers, etc. I've read alot of complaints on swimmers itch but for my wife, kids and myself we did not have any issues as did most people I spoke with at the park. The park as a whole seems very clean, when I say clean I mean the park employees do a very could job (not the campers) of keeping the place tighty. I've read alot of complaints about smaller sites but I personally didn't feel they were too bad. I wasn't expecting alot of privacy. Didn't necessarily care for being on a mound of DIRT but I understand its hard to have grass with all the foot traffic.Park was average on quietness. Friday night was very quiet but Saturday was polar opposite. Between the rain hitting our tent, loud music blaring, and cars randomly driving by in late hours it was really difficult to fall asleep. The bad: (Disclaimer: I suffer from a bit of OCD especially when using public facilities) People are just slobs! Facilities were nice from a structural percpective but gross, I didn't expect much in a community shower or bathroom but these weren't very clean at all. Dirty diapers left in the private showers, hair balls on shower walls and floors, empty shampoo bottles left in shower area. Urin on toilet seats, etc. Like I said I'm a bit compulsive when it comes to community shower so IMO.. push through, take a quick shower, and try not to think about it to much. I imagine its like this at most places anyway. Garbage, bottle caps, cigarette butts, empty wrappers, empty cans, etc left all over the sites, fire pits, beach, water, you name it. Its ashame people can't pickup after themselves. or atleast use an empty can for cigarrette butts The most discouraging area was the beach. Cigarette butts, empty wrappers, drink box containers on the beach and in the water. I understand some of it being kids but its a beautiful lake and campers need to keep it that way. I had many co-workers, friends say how nice the beach was but I was a little disapointed. I wasn't expecting Lake Michigan beaches but wouldn't really consider this a beach. Its honestly 20-30' deep and in some spots thick brush take up areas which isn't suitable setting up. Too Summarize: 1) I would stay here again. Its a nice camp ground and well maintained from an administrative perceptive. Yes the showers and bathrooms aren't the greatest but if you're quick and try not to dwell you'll be alright. 2) Beach area was okay but the Lake and capabilities of walking far out make up for the beach inefficiencies. 3) Higgins Lake is a gorgeous swimming lake.
The DNR allow people to set up all night long.Beautiful lake but noisy all night long.Would like to see bumper guards on the docks at boat launch.DNR really needs to patrol at night so people can enjoy campfires and SLEEP.
This is a nice lake for a day trip/picnic outing. I would prefer to come on the off season when there aren't as many people partying. It would be great to come out in the fall time when things are more peaceful.
We didn't picnic or swim, just enjoyed the lake setting. The water was clear, shallow and calm that day. During the late afternoon on a week day, there were very few people South Higgins Lake State Park is a very relaxing place.
The lake is shallow, you can walk out quite a ways before it gets deep. Lots of boats on weekends. the park store has great ice cream and good selection of stuff for a day at the beach
Very nice lake, good access n docking for boat owners, kids can fish andbs with swim with safe and very large sandy beaches, afforable and clean as is all of Michigans State Parks, close to convience stores etc. Highly Recommend...
This state campground is #3 on my list of the campgrounds that we have stayed at. It's #1 on my wife's. The only reason it's not rated higher, the lake for the last 3 years has a case of swimmer's itch. This little critter is hard to stay away from. Once exposed to it, you'll look as if you have chicken pox. It itchs like heck. I've heard it's being compared to chiggers. Good comparison. Best way to keep from getting it, is to stay out of the water. It's strange, but some of the little ones seem immune to it. A friend with two little ones, took these precautions: immediately after getting out of the water she took her kids to the shower house for a good wash and rough dry off with a towel. She also used Fels Namphtha soap. Not sure of the spelling. Anyway, it seemed to work for her. Kids stayed bug free. My granddaughter wasn't so lucky. She was covered from head to toe. It took 5 day to finally get over it. Anyways, if it weren't for the swimmer itch, this campground is great. We've been going there for the better part of 20 years. Plenty of day trips available for the rainy days. Gaylord, Macinaw, Charlevoix are just a few. Ps very few mosqitoes. For you kayakers, Marl lake is just across the road. It's great for kayaking. Not for fishing. Kayak down the Cut river. It's pretty good. I know I'm leaving something out. As for shopping you'll have to go to Pleasantville, or what most people call it Houghton Lake. It's 10 miles south of Higgins. Lots of boaters on the lake.
We just went last weekend and had the best time! Here's some helpful hints: if your going to party (adult camping) pick a spot closer to the lake; if you have kids, pick a spot further from the lake. The whole campground is great but its quieter on the south end. To prevent swimmera itch, we took advice of campground signage and applied 50 spf to everyone. No one got swimmers itch. Pros: swimming area is waist deep for at least 100 yards off shore. Felt safe for little ones and lots of minnows for entertainment. Water was veey clean/clear. One newer bathroom facility. Very clean bathrooms. Dnr patrols all the time. Sound doesn't travel too much in the wooded sites so its quiet at night. No raccoons or mosquitos!! Staff is super friendly. Stores nearby for all forgotten items.Cons: Sunday smells like poop from all the people emptying trailors. The older bathroom is quite small. We had some bees and skunks visiting periodically. There is a small beach that runs along most of the shore, but its literally only 6-10 feet before water, and some parts could use a cleanup. I think the bad reviews are to just keep people away from this awesome park! ;)One last suggestion: bring/rent a boat and plan to spend at least one whole day on the water!!!
Be ready to hear loud music with vulgar language when near the water.This is an amazing lake, but if you are traveling with children opt for the north state park.
If you like noise and tight spot camping, then this is your place. The water was less than attractive and had swimmers itch.